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  1. #1
    SukaRocks Guest

    Default California to NYC & Upstate NY

    Hi everyone!
    I've never done a road trip before and I'd appreciate your experience and advice! I plan to leave northern california early morning 11/19 and I want to arrive in nyc during the evening of 11/22. Do you think this is possible given the weather conditions during this time (perhaps some snow on the ground) and given that we don't linger around any cities although we would like to visit Chicago for a bit? Thanks!

  2. Default Perfect weather and 800 mile days

    Hi everyone!
    I've never done a road trip before and I'd appreciate your experience and advice!
    Welcome to the forum!

    Just for comparison, a 450-500 mile driving day is more normal for most people who are just trying to "get somewhere." Driving 800 mile days is a tall order and is not normally recommended by me.

    Can it be done? Maybe, barely. If you have two drivers, you've got a better chance. It doesn't leave any time for stopping anywhere though, except for rest/gas breaks. If the weather is bad anywhere along the way, you will likely not make it on your schedule (you may not anyway, unless you can discipline yourself to keep on the road steadily).

    Why not keep a couple of extra days in the plan, and then see how it goes (don't pressure yourself, in other words).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ


    Welcome aboard the RoadTrip America Forum!

    You don't say where in northern California you'll be starting from, but using San Francisco as a first approximation, it's about 2900 miles to NYC. To do this in the 4 days you have allowed is doable with multiple drivers (you do say "we". You will have to keep up a steady pace of 700-750 miles each day. But by all means, plan to set aside some time each day to get out of the car and stretch your legs. There will be precious little, if any, time for sight seeing. For more information on such endeavors, check out Judy's The Art of the Speed Run. And drive safe!


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