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Thread: french

  1. #1
    jaccaddi Guest

    Default french


    I'm french and I am 20 years old.
    I want to come to USA for my studies next year. for the moment I don't speak very well english and I must progress because I have an exam to pass.

    So I need your help if you want. Propose to your friends if you don't want.

    If you answer to me, can you explain what do you do at school, where do you live... You can say all what you want !



    PS : my email is

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Québec, Montreal, Arizona, California, France

    Default French

    Hi Cedric,

    I think one of the best ways to practice your English, especially if you're into travelling and road trips is to share your stories and tips on this very forum or to find people with who you can correspond in America. My mother tongue is French too (I'm from Quebec, Canada), I consider myself pretty much bilingual but not perfectly. Being a regular on this forum helped me improve my writing skills and, surprisingly enough, my speaking skills too. My English is far from perfect, but if you want to I could try to help you with some stuff, like the translation for instance.

    Where are you going to study in the US? What do you study exactly? Are you planning to do some field trips in the US prior to your arrival next year?

    À bientôt!


  3. #3
    midwife Guest


    Hi Cedric,
    I'm sure it is overwhelming wondering where to start. There are wonderful schools everywhere, the east coast and west coast probably have more. But, because we have great schools throughout the country, you could begin on deciding where to live. Think about what kind of weather, scenery, resources you prefer. North, south, east and west are very different from one another. Start your research there. What kind of work will you do to support yourself? Do you drive? These are things to consider. Cities and large towns will be more accessible for these things. Will you come alone? There is a wealth of information on schools, living arrangements and relocations tools on the internet. Good luck!

  4. #4
    jaccaddi Guest


    Thanks for your answer...

    To progress in English I want to come in USA for my studies. But before, I can't come because I must stay in France during one year for my studies. During this year I want to learn English to speak a correctly english. (I want know if I do any mistakes and if you understand me).
    When you write in english, I understand after one, two or three reads but when you speak I don't understand very well. I can heard one word, two, but no all your sentence.
    To answer at your question I can say :
    Where are you going to study in the US?
    Normally, I'am going ti study in US from september 2006 but I want to find a job before. So I can come from may 2006
    What do you study exactly?
    I'm studing IT (informatic technology) and for my job it's necessarily to speak a correct english. I did informatic since 2003.
    Are you planning to do some field trips in the US prior to your arrival next year?
    I'm not sur that I have understood this question. I aren't plannig to do some fields trips in the US. Before, I want to have an excellent english or a correct english. But after, I think that I want to be in L.A. and N.Y. and Washington.

    What kind of work will you do to support yourself?
    I don't understand this question. I'm sorry!!!
    Do you drive?
    Yes I drive but can I drive in US. I will be 21 when I will come.

    For the moment I'm not sure to come because I need have the TOEFL.
    Will you come alone?
    I don't want to come alone but anybody want come. So I must come alone. And I think that if I come alone, I will be improve more fast.

    Thanks for your answer...

    What do you think about IT and new technology ? Do you think that english is an universal language ?

    Can you said me when I have do a mistake in my text. Thanks...

    I have some questions...

    I hope to come a day!

    See you later.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Québec, Montreal, Arizona, California, France

    Default Translation

    Hi Cedric,

    I understand you very well even if you do have some minor mistakes in your text (but who doesn't?:-). Je te traduis les questions avec lesquelles tu as éprouvé des difficultés.

    Where are you going to study in the US?

    Where = où -- Où comptes-tu aller étudier aux États-Unis ?

    Are you planning to do some field trips in the US prior to your arrival next year?

    Field trips = petits voyages -- Prévois-tu effectuer des voyages aux États-Unis avant d'y emménager?

    What kind of work will you do to support yourself?

    Trad. : Quel genre d'emploi voudrais-tu occuper?

    Have you ever been to the US before? Do you enjoy road tripping? Are you in College (University)?


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