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  1. Default US Highway 50 West to East in 10 days?

    This will be my fourth cross-country trip between Los Angeles and Boston. The previous three were all done via interstate (mostly 40) and I've grown a bit weary of it, so I was thinking about picking up US 50 in Tahoe and taking it all the way across to Maryland and then 95 to Boston.

    I was thinking about taking approx. 10 days for the trip, but I wanted to check that doing it in that length of time off the interstates is even worthwhile since I like to meander. What do you think? I might be able to take a bit longer if I decided to do some camping since money and not time is the issue here (damn gas prices). I'll be leaving around Oct. 15th. Camping should still be fine for at least a few weeks right? Not too cold?

    I'll be traveling solo with dog.

    Thanks! And any other suggestions welcome.

  2. #2
    essexgirl Guest

    Default Damn gas prices

    Hiya Jennstall. Sorry, but I can offer not a single word of advice or help about your forthcoming planned trip across the States as I live in England and have only been fortunate enough to visit America twice before, but am greatly looking forward to my holiday there next month in San Francisco/Las Vegas. Just for interest, how much IS gas there? Here it is $1.80 per litre.

  3. Default Sure!

    Yeah, I'd do this! Of course, some think I'm crazy...

    Your plan is about 3800 miles, roughly, depending. I'd detour around some of the large cities along the way, slugging through them on a secondary federal highway like US50 would be kind of a time killer.

    I don't think you'll have too much trouble camping this time of year -- in fact I really LIKE camping in the early autumn. The nights are a little cooler, but that's nice. Skies are clearer (less haze in the west at least) and you won't find the crowds like in the summer.

    Gas isn't going to cost you that much more. Right now an average seems to be about $2.65 per gallon. If the price dropped .40 per gallon, you'd only save about $57. Not that big a deal, really. I figured that based on about 27 mpg highway.

    The driving on this route would take about 8 days, give or take. So you should be able to do it in 10 OK -- but if you can, take a couple more and really enjoy some of the side roads and attractions along the way. Hey, and welcome to the RTA forum! Bob

  4. Default Fuel info

    If you'll take a look at our Fuel Calculator, it includes information on gas prices around the country at any given time. That might give you a feel for what things are like. There will probably be another price surge in the next few days, but then it will settle down and prices will drop a bit again after that. That's what the "experts" are predicting right now anyway. Bob

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default We maintain daily fuel price feeds

    Quote Originally Posted by essexgirl
    Just for interest, how much IS gas there? Here it is $1.80 per litre.
    On the RTA Fuel Calculator page , you can find current (within the past 24 hours) fuel prices for just about every major city in the USA and Canada.


  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by essexgirl
    Hiya Jennstall. Sorry, but I can offer not a single word of advice or help about your forthcoming planned trip across the States as I live in England and have only been fortunate enough to visit America twice before, but am greatly looking forward to my holiday there next month in San Francisco/Las Vegas. Just for interest, how much IS gas there? Here it is $1.80 per litre.
    Hi Essexgirl. It has been several days since I filled my tank, but it was close to $3 a gallon when I did. Have a great time in San Francisco and Vegas! SF is wonderful.

  7. Default

    Bob, thanks for the quick response! I'm glad to hear this is feasible. I'm really eager to just take a nice long drive and this sounds like a good one. I think I might do a combination of camping/motel stays. I might plot some routes around the big cities because I know I want to hit a few. I've never been to St. Louis and my friends want me to come to Chicago (which I know is a big detour), but I may hop on an interstate east at that point instead of going back to Highway 50 when I leave town.

    Good point about the gas! And I'm driving a Beetle anyway so it's not exactly a gas hog! Maybe I can stretch the trip to two weeks.

  8. Default St Louis

    Be sure to visit the Gateway Arch and the museum under it --both are pretty cool. If you do go up to Chicago from there, you might also enjoy the Lincoln sites around Springfield, IL too -- if you are into history at all. The only home Abraham Lincoln ever owned is there and open for tours, and his tomb. You can also visit his former law office and a few miles away is the village ("New Salem," I think) where he first lived as a storekeeper when he was a young single guy.

    An alternative route is to drive up the Great River Road along the Mississippi until you get to a point west of Chicago, and then cut over from there. It's a beautiful drive, very scenic. Bob

  9. #9
    essexgirl Guest


    Sounds like I will have died and gone to heaven with those prices. Its $6.80 a gallon here. Thank you everyone. As ever, American's are just the NICEST people anywhere (and I have been to lots of places).

  10. Default

    A drive up the Mississippi sounds like fun. I was thinking about telling my friends they need to drive down to Highway 50 from Chicago, but maybe I will drive up to meet them after all. I could probably cut harder northeast at that point and then avoid the I-95 corridor (which I've driven a million times) altogether. What do you think? Any suggestions for a good route between Chicago and Boston?

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