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  1. #1
    amandalee1976 Guest

    Default Hoping this wont overwhelm you...

    My bf and son (who is almost 2.5 yrs old) want to take off on a road trip, its our dream and we figure we are gonna grab the bull by the horns, and go for it. Gotta live life to the fullest right?

    We are comtemplating a 2 - 3 month trip, but that could be extended if we are enjoying ourselves. (I am currently looking into the requirements of canadians coming to visit over such a long period.)

    Well here's a bit more background on us, and then to my ???...

    We are avid "tent" campers. But we are currently in the middle of purchasing a VW Vanagon (with small fridge/stove, bed etc.), in prep for our big trip. We have a black lab & also a cat that we will be bringing with us.

    1. Are we Crazy? Is this going to be too overwhelming do u think? Anyone have any experiences like this?

    2. We are coming from BC Canada. Our plan was to drive down the west coast of the USA - start in Washington, through the south, over to Florida (I wanted to go to NO, so sad..) then back up the east coast & through Canada. For the portion through the USA, we wanted to camp most of the time, thinking that will save us money. Are there any listings for campgrounds that have showers?

    3. How long should a drive like that take (at least USA portion)? Are we giving ourselves enough time to stop & enjoy ourselves sometimes?

    Anything you have to offer is awesome. Thanks in advance!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default Resources on this site

    Welcome to the forum!

    I think a VW Vanagon is a perfect vehicle for this. You can easily set up camp but don't have a huge RV that's a gas-hog to deal with. I also think your route sounds great. You can easily see the highlights of all those locations in 2-3 months. This country is so big that you could travel fulltime for several years and not see everything. But your timeline is great for seeing the main things you want to see and to have time to explore anything that really catches your interest.

    I don't know the requirements for Canadians to visit the US long-term but you can probably find what you need at the US Dept of State website. You will also need to find information on bringing pets over. I did a search and this website may answer your questions about your pets.

    There are numerous websites with information about campgrounds. RTA evaluates each new edition of the primary directories -- including Woodall's, Trailer Life and the editor's best pick -- Frommer's Best RV & Tent Campgrounds. They have comprehensive listings of campgrounds in the US and will let you know what types of amenities they have. I've never seen a commercial campground without showers.

    However, not all county/state/federal campgrounds in the various parks will have showers. Some will. Some won't. Coleman puts out a fairly good directory of national forest campsites. These campsites are usually located in fantastic locations so this directory might be a good investment, too.

    I envy you! You're gonna have a terrific trip!
    Last edited by Mark Sedenquist; 09-07-2005 at 10:29 AM. Reason: Add a URL

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Keithville, LA

    Default Cool!

    I hope you're not ya'll aren't crazy because that sounds like a really neat trip. Are you going to try for every state, or any specific attractions?
    I recommend getting National Parks passes ( they're really good on the West Coast, not really helpful for the East). They cost $50 and pay for the admission into the parks, but not any tours.

    When do you think you'll hit Louisiana? I wouldn't be surprised if the "touristy" parts of the city weren't up and running in the next 4-5 months. The Garden District and the French Quarter only flooded a few feet (nothing those areas of the city haven't endured before). I know that business owners in the Business District (between the Garden District and the French Quarter) were told they could go into their buildings and retrieve whatever they wanted today. So that's a good sign that those areas are coming back to life.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Ontario Canada

    Default curiousity

    Curiousity.... what's " bf " ? I'm still trying to figure out all the email short form lingo...

    I'm Canadian too. I don't think 2 - 3 months will be any problem for a vacation. Can I come too???

    Did you say your son is 2.5 years old? Is he okay on that long of a road trip / or rather are you still sane after that long of a road trip with a youngster? I know folks who've done it and had no problems.

    Sounds great. Let us know if you need any help with specific routes or destinations.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Ya gotta get out more!

    Quote Originally Posted by Syv
    Curiousity.... what's " bf " ? I'm still trying to figure out all the email short form lingo...
    I believe she is referring to her boy friend.


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