Results 1 to 10 of 10
  1. Default Las Vegas to San Francisco (and back)

    Hi there,
    Hope that some of you with experience can give me some advice. Myself and my partner are visiting the USA for the first time at the beginning of december, and are staying in Vegas for a few days.
    The plan is to then hire a car and drive to LA, spend a night there and then take three days to drive up the coast via Big Sur to San Francisco. Spend a few days there and then take three days to drive back to Vegas via Yosemite.
    Is this feasible? I'm a bit worried about snow blocking the roads/Yosemite being closed then.
    Any advice on places to see along the way?


    Colin (from the UK)

    p.s. I'm hoping to hire a Mustang (boyhood dream!) but the hire companys say "Mustang, or similar vehicle". What would they class as a similar vehicle?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Sounds very reasonable

    Quote Originally Posted by boyse7en
    Hope that some of you with experience can give me some advice. Myself and my partner are visiting the USA for the first time at the beginning of december, and are staying in Vegas for a few days.
    The plan is to then hire a car and drive to LA, spend a night there and then take three days to drive up the coast via Big Sur to San Francisco. Spend a few days there and then take three days to drive back to Vegas via Yosemite.
    Welcome to the forum! When you are in Las Vegas, you might find our sister site helpul for finding the local's places. Your driving plan seems reasonable -- be sure to stop at the Elephant seal lion viewing area and if you want some more insider tips, this guide is excellent. Tioga Pass will be closed when you visit, but if you search under Tioga or San Francisco to Las Vegas threads you will find ample alternative suggestions. And this thread is superb for your trip.


  3. Default Mustangs

    The Mustang is a commonly used rental vehicle, so you might enter a "special" request for one. Any of the major companies that use predominantly Ford products will have them, most likely, unless there is some problem getting the new ones that I am not aware of. Hertz is one example for such a company. While they'll not be able to GUARANTEE any particular model, the Mustang is common enough in their fleets that it will probably be easy to get one. Similar cars might be something like a Toyota Celica -- typically a two-door "sporty" car. Bob

  4. Default

    Hey, thanks a lot, the info is great! really helpful!

    This might be a stupid question but, what are the chances of getting rooms in hotels if we just turn up?
    I'd like to keep my itinerery fairly open for most of the trip but don't want to find myself sleeping in the car! Along Highway 1 are there loads of places or would I need to book in advance? I don't want to spend a fotune on posh places (my budget is $100 max for a room per night).

    I'd already found the Megan Edwards site for info on LV. How did anyone do travel research before the internet?

    Last but not least, what is the weather likely to be along the coast in early december? T-shirt, jumper, fleece or full on winter wear necessary?

  5. #5
    politigal75 Guest

    Default Anticipate cooler weather on the coast

    Places along the coast like Monterey typically are cooler temps. I'd plan on bringing warm clothes and layering. I don't remember them ever getting snow, but it's definitely chilly that time of year and there's typically rain. San Francisco falls under the same category, chilly, no snow, but lots of fog, so be careful when driving.

    I don't know much about Yosemite or Vegas to offer any insight into temperatures there.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by politigal75
    Places along the coast like Monterey typically are cooler temps. I'd plan on bringing warm clothes and layering. I don't remember them ever getting snow, but it's definitely chilly that time of year and there's typically rain. San Francisco falls under the same category, chilly, no snow, but lots of fog, so be careful when driving.

    I don't know much about Yosemite or Vegas to offer any insight into temperatures there.
    As a long time California resident I'd have to disagree with that, daytime on the coast road is often warmer in the winter than in the summer due to the summer marine layer. I'd expect temperatures in the 50-70F range on the coast unless there is a storm in progress. In December there is much less fog in San Francisco than in the summer.

    Yosemite can certainly be cold in December, around 30-40F and there is the possibility of snow, Vegas is a hard one to call, it could be 50 or 80 there depending on the weather situation.

  7. Default 50-70 degrees?

    I guess it is all relative -- some folks would be freezing in the lower reaches of that range of temps! Sounds like heaven to me though.

    Killer, I think maybe you've had a tough life... did you live on California's coast? And now Torrey? Sounds like a couple of great places to live! Bob

  8. Default

    thanks for all the advice.

    Seems like the coastal weather in December is similar to Devon's (UK, where I live) coastline in September. If it turns out to be colder i can always buy some warm clothing while i'm out there.

    I'll plan out a route and post it up in a little while to see what everyone thinks...

    Thanks again, I'm sure to be back to pick your brains again.


  9. #9
    Etti Guest


    If anyone already drove from San Fracisco to Las Vegas; can anyone tell me how long it takes?

    I'll be staying in SFO for 4.5 days but am considering to rent a car and go to Las Vegas; leave very early in the morning and come back the next. Would that be possible by car, or does it take too long?
    Last edited by Mark Sedenquist; 12-13-2005 at 10:04 AM. Reason: format edit

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Do you need to sleep?

    Quote Originally Posted by Etti
    If anyone already drove from San Fracisco to Las Vegas; can anyone tell me how long it takes?
    I have made this drive a number of times in that last couple of years. By the fastest possible route it is about a nine hour trip (each way) so yes you can make it, but your time in Las Vegas will be limited to the night hours.


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