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  1. #1
    theallans Guest

    Default Where to stay in Flagstaff?

    Hi - can anyone recommend somwhere reasonable to stay in Flagstaff in early October? Not looking for luxury, but decent (ie under $100 a night) reasonable accomodation with hot showers and avoiding the train noise - all the websites I've looked at suggest this is a big problem and the reviews for the hotels/motels seem awful.

    Many thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default 3 Possibilities

    You're absolutely right that train noise can be a problem with almost all the motels in Flagstaff. There are only 3 that I know of that are far enough removed from the tracks that this should not be a problem, and I only have experience with 1 of them. For the record: Sleep Inn (~$80) and Amerisuites (~$90) are near the I-40/I-17 junction, and Little America (~$100 with AAA discount) is just south of I-40 at exit 198. I have stayed at Little America and it is a moderately upscale resort type inn and can be very relaxing. If you're going to be in the area for a while, I'd also suggest looking into Bed and Breakfasts in the area. We stayed in one several years ago and it was very nice, well away from the noise of the city, tucked into a forest and, as I recall, roughly the same cost as a motel. Sorry I can't remember its name, but have a look at what's available.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Brings back memories

    Quote Originally Posted by AZBuck
    You're absolutely right that train noise can be a problem with almost all the motels in Flagstaff.
    I have always thought of trains as being a "good thing" when on the road. Actually, I am usually tired enough that I never hear them going by. One exception would be the coal trains in Wyoming -- during one stay in Cheyenne, I noticed that they seemed to by at least once every 8.57 minutes. It got to be somewhat silly after a while.

    I used to stay at Rainbow Ranch (a former B&B) that was one of the first homesteads built in the Flagstaff area. It used to be in the forest, now it is surrounded by housing developments and since the owner has passed on I would imagine that it might have been torn down. But nice memories there.


  4. #4
    RoadTripper Brad Guest

    Default Flag

    Albeit it is still near the tracks, the Super 8 on Butler in Flagstaff is a nice place. Nearby are some other nice low cost motels (Motel 6 [x2], Travellodge, etc.). The nice thing is there are several resturants within walking distance, including Denny's, Cracker Barrel, and a resturant that sits right on the Super 8 property. Butler Ave is exit 198 off of I 40, and sits towards the East side of the city centre.

    I have personally stayed at the Super 8, and did not hear any train noises, unless I was on the balcony or had the patio door open.

  5. Default East Flagstaff

    If you go toward the east end of town on old 66, beyond a certain point the tracks diverge from the highway and IF there are any motels beyond that point (I'm not positive there are), you'll find them to be quieter. I'm one of those that sleeps pretty soundly, so the train noise in Flagstaff has never been a problem for me -- like Mark, for me it's more of a highlight than an impediment. Another option is to go a bit south on 89A and stay at Junipine Cabins or Don Hoel Cabins along Oak Creek. The only thing you'll find there is CREEK noise -- which doesn't bother most people. :) This is less than 20 miles south of Flagstaff.

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