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  1. #1
    bustedmagnet Guest

    Default Tampa to Seattle

    I know it seems daunting, especially being in a tiny Miata without cruise control but we have to do it. Anyways, I need an opinion as to the route I'm going to take.
    My first stop from Tampa is going to be Texarkana, Arkansas. This is because I'm heading west towards the Grand Canyon. Anyways, the conventional web sites like Mapquest all suggest that my route be as follows:
    Head North on I-75, then west to I-10, then finally north on I-49 all the way to Texarkana.
    However, I was thinking about taking an alternate route that doesn't utilize the main interstates. I was thinking about taking Hwy 19 North from Tampa, all the way to Georgia and turn west at Hwy 82 and ride Hwy 82 all the way to Texarkana.
    Has anyone rode Hwy 82 and feels that this would be a faster way to go?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Faster?

    Quote Originally Posted by bustedmagnet
    I was thinking about taking Hwy 19 North from Tampa, all the way to Georgia and turn west at Hwy 82 and ride Hwy 82 all the way to Texarkana.Has anyone rode Hwy 82 and feels that this would be a faster way to go?
    I have driven some of US-82 and while it may be more interesting than parts of I-10 it will be slower than the Interstate highway route. Posted speed limits are less, there is less limited-access freeway and there are a number of small towns that you will have to slow for. Generally, you need to figure that your non-Interstate route will average about 48 mph over a 10 hour day and the Interstate route will be around 54 mph for ten hour day. It is 48 mph average speed even if in the faster sections you are going 75 mph --


  3. Default Maybe not faster, but...

    You won't find US82 to be a particularly fast route, as Mark suggests, but you may enjoy it anyway -- especially if you want to put the top down and get your ears in the breeze. While slower going in most cases, two-lane blacktop has its own charm and I really like the slower pace. Give it a shot. Bob

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