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Thread: From GA to CA

  1. #1
    JC8107 Guest

    Default From GA to CA

    Hi, I am new to the forum. My friends and I are planning on going on a cross-country trip next summer from Macon, GA... to Los Angeles, CA. However, we aren't sure what all there is to see or do in between. We will be 18,have just graduated, and ready to have fun. So we are wondering what would be some fun, interesting places to visit, stay, or spend a few hours at. Please give any suggestions on how we can save a few bucks along the way to, because we do not want this to wipe out all our money before college. However, we are willing to spend whatever is necessary to have a great time. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default A good place to start

    Quote Originally Posted by JC8107
    My friends and I are planning on going on a cross-country trip next summer from Macon, GA... to Los Angeles, CA. However, we aren't sure what all there is to see or do in between.
    Welcome to the Forum! This site has hundreds, maybe thousands of route suggestions between Macon and Los Angeles, so you came to the right place.

    As far as tips for spending as little as possible, I suggest you read the posts, (select a couple months on the range of recent posts) on the Cheap RoadTrip section and also read The Art of the Cheap RoadTrip.


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