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  1. #1
    mulderalexander Guest

    Default around the country

    This is my first posting on this site and I hope to get some good tips and ideas from all you experiences road trippers.

    Next year I'm planning on taking three months off of work with a friend, fly over to the U.S., buy a car and cruise the entire country. We want to start in L.A. go up to Portland, then from Portland to Chicago, Detroit, and then Toronto, Montreal, Boston, NY, then all the way down to Miami, and then via New Orleans, to San Diego and back to L.A. Now this is a big trip and we hope to do it for as little money as possible, as we'll be only 23 at the time. But what are the "not to miss"spots and what should we know before we go??

    I hope everyone can help us out.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula


    Sounds like a great trip. While many of us are willing to help out, there is some research you should do to see if your trip is feasible for you. You'll get a wealth of information at the International Visitor section of this website. It should answer a lot of questions that are specific to foreign visitors to the US.

    Anyway, I would just suggest clicking on the Site Directory link above. And the Roadtrip Planning link, too. And read. Lots and lots of great info in those sections. Also read through previous posts here on the forums.

    It's really hard to give someone a list of must-see things because there is so much to see in this big and diverse country. What I consider a must-see might not interest you a bit. It would help if you gave us an idea of what types of things you like to see and do.

    Hope this gives you a starting point for planning your journey and that you'll come back and let us help you further.
    Last edited by Mark Sedenquist; 08-06-2005 at 01:53 PM. Reason: Add urls

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Québec, Montreal, Arizona, California, France

    Default Resources

    Now this is a big trip and we hope to do it for as little money as possible, as we'll be only 23 at the time.
    Bob Schaller and I wrote an article on the Art of the Cheap RoadTrip on this site and you could check out the Cheap Road Trip section of the forum for good tips on how to save money on the road.

    I'll point a few "must sees" later today.

    Last edited by Mark Sedenquist; 08-07-2005 at 12:59 PM. Reason: Add URL

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