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Thread: NY to Las Vegas

  1. #1
    BrianA39 Guest

    Default NY to Las Vegas

    My uncle and his family will be moving this summer to Las Vegas, as some relatives already live there. He, my cousin, and I will be driving out in the car (i'll be flying back later on).

    We've basically already planned our route, but would love to hear a few suggestions. We're leaving on a Saturday, have baseball tickets in St. Louis on that Monday, and hope to pull into VEgas no later than Thursday. We'd also like to throw in a stop at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon if possible.

    Both of us will be sharing the driving, so we can handle longer days of driving if necessary.

    Any suggestions?

  2. Default Clarify please

    What would you like more suggestions for -- additional stops?

    If you're going to the North Rim, then Bryce, Zion, & Grand Staircase/Escalante are in your way also as you head to Las Vegas. I'd visit as many of those as you think you can fit in. At the same time, each one of these is an easy day trip (or weekend) from Las Vegas, so if you're pressed for time at that point, you can always visit them later.

    If you'd like to see some photos of the area I'm recommending you see, check out my recent photos of the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument . There are 4 albums currently posted. One is for Grand Staircase/ Escalante specifically; also, the album titled "Utah SR12..." contains photos of the same area. The "Lee's Ferry" album is also on this route (on your way to the North Rim on US89A (near Marble Canyon, AZ and Page). Lee's Ferry is a historic site, location of the only practical crossing of the Colorado River for 600 miles. The river there is now crossed by a steel arch bridge.


  3. #3
    BrianA39 Guest


    Sorry, I should have been clearer. I was curious what the best route would be to take from St. Louis to Vegas, by way of the North Rim. We thought we would take I-70 straght out to Denver. After that, we not sure if we should turn south at Denver, and take more local highways, or stick to I-70 to head west.


  4. Default Either way

    Either way, the scenery is beautiful. It's really hard to recommend one over the other as both have their attraction and beauty. If you've not been out to Colorado before, I'd probably take the I-70 route and then head down to the North Rim from Utah. BUT, if you might be interested in Mesa Verde NP, the route down through Durango could include that -- it is a unique park and a great way to spend a day.

    Check out my 8:26 pm reply in this thread for a routing idea -- just read through past the midwest part. These folks were headed to the South Rim of GC, but your route could be similar right up to US89 in N. AZ.


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