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  1. #1
    alaskabound Guest

    Default From South Carolina to Alaska

    My husband, child and I are moving to Alaska in March of 2006 (he is in the Air Force & has orders to Eielson). We are planning to driving across the country to see the USA and have some fun. We are probably going to take about 2 weeks to get there. Any traveling advice? We've heard to take some 4-day long ferry ride to cut down on actual drive time, but other than that we have no idea how to go what to see. Thanks

  2. Default Alaska Marine Highway System

    First of all, here's a link to the ferry you mentioned -- it's actually an entire transportation system run by the State of Alaska called the Alaska Marine Highway System. All you really need to do is get yourselves to Bellingham, WA to pick up a northbound ferry! Bob

  3. Default Choice of routes

    If I were doing this trip, I'd choose one of two basic routes.

    Both involve going out through Tennessee (which is an absolutely beautiful state) to the Mississippi River, and following that north for a ways. You could see some of southern Indiana, and also include stops in Springfield IL and St Louis for the magnificent Gateway Arch and the Museum of Westward Expansion located there.

    Then, the choices are going across the northern plains states and Montana/Idaho (seeing the Black Hills, the Badlands, Theodore Roosevelt Grasslands and Glacier Park, among others), or seeing the mountain states instead -- Colorado & Utah (with all their wonderful national parks), and maybe even some of Arizona and New Mexico if you have the time for a longer adventure, before heading northwest toward Washington (or you could even continue all the way west to the coast at some point and drive northward up that). All of these have their beauties and attractions. Your problem is, you have to CHOOSE just one!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula


    The ferry to Alaska is an amazing trip. There are usually naturalists on board who give talks about what you're seeing along the way, wildlife, etc. so you'll want to check out their schedule.

    Food is extremely expensive on-board. Most people take a lot of easy-fixing type food to keep down having to purchase food on the way. Drinks, too. IIRC, you're allowed down to your cars twice per day so you can get food out of your vehicle at that time.

    While they do have berths to rent, many people enjoy sleeping on deck. You can just roll out your sleeping bags in the main inside areas or you can join some of the more stalwart folks who pitch tents on the outside deck areas. However, if I was going with a small child, I'd probably go ahead and pay the extra for a berth.

    Enjoy your trip!

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