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  1. #1
    LisaWest Guest

    Default Honeymoon Road Trip

    I am planning to come over to the US to get married in November. We fly out on the 9th Nov but only land at 17.45 in LA. We want to go straight to Las Vegas as we need to register to get married ASAP (the wedding is on the 12th). Then we plan to go to Lake Tahoe, San Fran, LA, San Diego and possibly down to Baja California if there is time. Can anyone recommend a route and places to stay along the way? We have a 4 month old baby which will also influence what we do.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default How long?

    I am planning to come over to the US to get married in November.
    Congratulations on the pending wedding and honeymoon roadtrip!
    ... We want to go straight to Las Vegas as we need to register to get married ASAP (the wedding is on the 12th).
    Las Vegas is a great place to get married -- there are some interesting suggestions in this book you may find useful.
    Then we plan to go to Lake Tahoe, San Fran, LA, San Diego and possibly down to Baja California if there is time.
    What is the time window for this trip?

  3. #3
    LisaWest Guest


    We have 2 weeks including the wedding (fly out on 9th Nov and back home on 25th, we fly into and out of LA)
    Also, was wondering about the road conditions in November as I have now been informed that roads are closed due to bad weather/snow?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Bad Weather in November?

    Quote Originally Posted by LisaWest
    We have 2 weeks including the wedding (fly out on 9th Nov and back home on 25th, we fly into and out of LA)
    Also, was wondering about the road conditions in November as I have now been informed that roads are closed due to bad weather/snow?
    November in the southwestern area of the US is ususally not all that severe in terms of winter weather and you should have little if no difficulty in getting to most of the parks and through the passes in California, Nevada and Utah -- however it is VERY likely that Tioga Pass (into Yosemite will be closed by then). As of this date, Tioga is still closed -- although crews are working diligently to get the road opened. Most years it is opened by Memorial Day -- but the work is still pretty dangerous. Here is a link to the daily plowing report.

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