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  1. #1
    dalimama Guest

    Default advice for travelling teens?

    Any advisements on how older teens (17 & 18) can find inexpensive accomodations when travelling together to an annual church General Assembly meeting that is several states away? It's not clear to us as parents (we are supporting this trip and trust them as fellow travelers) how they will be greeted at motels given some are not yet "adults" and they would like to share one room (6 kids, 2 boys and 4 girls) for cost reasons.

    Any road wisdom for road trip initiates is welcome.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default A tough one

    Any advisements on how older teens (17 & 18) can find inexpensive accomodations when travelling together
    Do they have credit cards? I did a number of solo roadtrips when I was in my late teens. I don't remember any problems with motels, but I know that most chains prefer guests to be over 21 these days if not traveling with responsible adults. I guess I would recommend youth hostels. There is a pretty good guide that might be helpful to you.


  3. Default

    I did a lot of traveling when I was younger. Make sure someone in the group has a credit card. Also, we never usually let the office know that there would be 6-8-10 of us in the same room. There is usually a limit of 4 per room and extra charges for extra people.

    The only problem I have ever had was trying to check into a hotel room in Myrtle Beach.

  4. Default

    You might inquire w/ similar churches as your own along the desired route. Surely they would be able to put up a few teens for the night either at the church or members' homes. Our church does this regularly for traveling choirs, etc.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default ideas

    I think the idea of looking into other churches along the way is a fantastic idea.

    Motels wouldn't be much of an issue as long as one person is 18 and has a credit card, however, there aren't many motels that allow more than 4 people in a room, and their ages aren't going to help their cause in that aspect.

    One more option worth at least looking into is Hostels. The would be fairly inexpensive and very well set up to handle the larger group of travelers.

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