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  1. #1
    laurenbentley48 Guest

    Default Driving from GA to CA

    I am traveling with three other women from georgia to california in the beginning of august. We are moving one of the girls out there. We are driving out there and flying home. We are wanting to stop and see America and some of Mexico. We have about two weeks, give or take a few days, of travel time. Any advice on how to plan our trip would be helpful. We are planning on taking a southern route and want to see as much as possible. Thanks

  2. #2
    laurenbentley48 Guest


    This is something that we all might only be able to do once and we want to make the best of it! Thanks for any advice!

  3. Default Planning a trip

    First, where in California? Also, what kinds of things are you interested in doing on this road trip? For ideas on RoadTrip planning, see our... RoadTrip Planning section (click on the green banner "button" at the top of this page).

    Basically, you get a map, pick a route, see how many miles it is and how far you want to drive each day (or more likely, how much time each day), and go from there. With the time you have, this can be a leisurely trip and that's great. Once you pick your route, you can find things along it (on your maps) to do. Or on the other hand, you could pick out a bunch of things you want to do and see, and then plan your ROUTE around them.

    Don't be afraid to surf a little to find ideas -- there are hundreds of posts, essays and articles right here on RoadTrip America to help you (use our search functions) -- plus you can check out state tourist board sites, park websites, cities, etc.

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