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  1. #1

    Default It was!

    We enjoyed most of the trip, but started to burn out at the end. We have been lucky - my job allowed for entire summers off every 4-5 years, so long trips have been the norm. Now that I have retired, we don't have any time constraints.

    As to bears & other animals - Common sense works here. Don't cook, snack, or store food in your tent, and keep a clean campsite. If bear boxes are available for storing food, use them rather than storing food in your car. Don't feed the animals, no matter how cute they look. As to hiking with bears, for advise, listen to this weeks Car Talk's Tom and Ray Magliozzi opening. (Just Kidding!)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Bay Area, CA

    Default read ur complete trip

    I went through your explanation of your trip. You guys did have fun.
    Hope Carol recovered soon enough after the trip. :)

    Coming to my common sense abt bears; (fortunately, haven't encountered one yet) I am trying hard to tell myself, " not to panic and run". That would do a lot, won't it? :)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Most Bears want to avoid you

    Coming to my common sense about bears; (fortunately, haven't encountered one yet) I am trying hard to tell myself, " not to panic and run". That would do a lot, won't it? :)
    I have had a number of close encounters with bears over the years -- including two with grizzlies. For the most part, if you don't violate the NO food in your car or tent rule bears will avoid you. When you are walking -- in bear country it can be a good idea to wear a bell, sing or otherwise, let them know you are around. Don't try and "stare down a bear" just leave the area slowly and steadily. Running away and screaming is not a good move!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Bay Area, CA

    Default ?

    If I encounter a bear on the trail, what should I do?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default That's easy

    If I encounter a bear on the trail, what should I do?
    That's easy... Don't!

    Seriously, that has happened to me a few times, relax, "be nice" and follow these suggestions. Also, when you get to the park, talk to the rangers, they know all of the tricks of the trade!

  6. Default Black Bears

    I have never encountered a grizzly, but I have been in close quarters with black bears on two occasions. In both instances, the bears made tracks as quickly as they could to get away from me -- on one occasion when I had a very large black bear in camp about dawn, just the sound of my whispered voice (to my daughter because I wanted her to wake up and see the bear) caused him to run off up the hill like a big furry coward. I am not overly afraid of bears (OK, except for Grizzlies...). Very respectful of their power and wildness, but under most circumstances, they won't bother you. For me, seeing these two was a real treat.

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