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  1. #1
    RoadTripper 407 Guest

    Default advice on trunk size please


    My boyfriend and I are travelling around california and Nevada in October. we would really like to hire a convertible but are concerened about trunk size. we will have 2 bags, each 30"x18"x12", plus a couple of carry-on bags. will they fit in a Sebring convertible trunk or a PT cruiser?
    Thanks for your help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default PT Cruiser

    We have rented a couple of PT Cruisers for road trips in the last couple of years. They have a surprisingly good amount of luggage storage. The Sebring convertible would probably be OK too, but... it might get tight.


  3. Default Call for information

    One way to check on any model is to find a rental agency that rents that particular model, and call and check with them. They typically have that information at hand -- both how many people, large or small, and how much luggage you can fit in. Mark has already provided good info on your particular choices, but if you want to confirm on the convertible, Thrifty rents Chrysler products (and possibly other companies as well). Bob

  4. #4
    RoadTripper 407 Guest

    Default Not getting very far

    Hi, thanks for your reply. I have tried speaking to the renatl company and I am getting nowhere fast. They will not measure the stupid trunk for me, although you would think it is not that difficult. All they can tell me is according to the cubic capacity of the trunk it *looks like* my cases should fit in. I guess I'm just going to have to take a chance here.

  5. Default Chart

    The information I've seen is usually a chart that is kept on the counter, and shows how many people and bags can generally be carried by each class of vehicle. I know Alamo has this -- and I have seen it online when choosing the car class while making reservations. It is just general though, and the carrying capacity of each vehicle will vary some.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default Why not measure it yourself?

    I would go to my local Chrsyler dealer pretending to be a potential buyer and simply check out the trunks in person myself. Bring your tape measure and get all the info you need.

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