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  1. #1
    AONeal79 Guest

    Default Chicago to Los Angeles (moving!)

    Hi All!

    I'd like your advice. We're moving from Chicago to Los Angeles in late August, and will be driving a 16' truck and a car. We'd like a route that's scenic without adding extra hours to the drive, as well as a route that's easily navigated by our mini-caravan.

    I've come across a few routes - one relies heavily upon route 80, the other upon route 40 (possibly the most dull?), and I believe I saw one that involved route 70.

    Feedback is VERY appreciated! Thank you!

  2. Default Either I-70 or I-40

    I think that I-40 is very scenic -- not dull at all. You would also find I-70 to I-15 a very beautiful route, if a bit more mountainous across Colorado, but it won't be a problem for either one of your vehicles. Bob

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default I don't think you mean "route" (?)

    We're moving from Chicago to Los Angeles in late August, and will be driving a 16' truck and a car. We'd like a route that's scenic without adding extra hours to the drive, as well as a route that's easily navigated by our mini-caravan.
    Angie, I am assuming when you refer to "route 80" you are intending to say Interstate Highway 80? The confusion arises because there are a couple of route 40's and an Interstate 40. In any case, given that this is a move and you probably don't want to have to deal with mountain passes, I would suggest that Interstate 40 would be your best choice. It is very scenic and still offers a relatively mild passage over the continental divide.


  4. #4
    AONeal79 Guest


    Yes, apologies for not being clearer, and thanks for your (very!) prompt feedback!

    Right now I have a tentative route that goes as follows: I-80 to I-70, then I-15. Does that sound OK?

    I think I'm leaning towards the northern route as opposed to taking 40, since I haven't yet done a drive that involves mountains.

    Thanks again,

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default I-70 IS the mountain route

    Right now I have a tentative route that goes as follows: I-80 to I-70, then I-15. Does that sound OK?
    That is a very pretty route -- but it involves crossing some SERIOUS mountains. Your vehicles will do fine, but it will be slow going up over the steepest section of the Colorado Rockies.

    If you are interested in AVOIDING mountain passes -- you need to reconsider I-40. It has some low passes, but nothing on the scale of I-70. If you stay on I-80 all the way through Wyoming to I-15 in Idaho, you will, again, miss the moutains of Colorado. But again, I-40 is is the preferred route for most truckers (because of the absence of mountains)


  6. #6
    AONeal79 Guest

    Default Narrowing it down

    Would staying on I-80, instead of using I-70, add considerably to the drive time? By looking at the map, it seems like the drive time might be longer, but as you said, it's slow going using I-80 anyway... If staying on I-80 would still be a pretty drive, maybe I'll nix the I-70 to I-80 idea and then choose between just I-80 and I-40....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default I-70

    I'd recommend I-70 because of the mountain scenery. A little over a year ago I made the trip in a 17 ft UHaul, pulling my car on a trailer. It was a little slow going over the mountains, but I didn't think it was too bad. Even in the steepest stretches I think I was still able to plod along around 30 mph.

    I-80 is quite a bit less scenic, but it wouldn't take you much extra time. I-80 is a little longer, but the mountains, and more importantly, Denver traffic can also slow you down quite a bit on I-70.

  8. #8

    Default Moving from Chicago to LA

    I've done I-55 to I-44 to I-40 to go Chicago to Flagstaff. You could stay on
    I-40 to I-15 to I-10 to get to LA. The drive on I-44 through Missouri was nice. I-44 is a toll road in Oklahoma.

    I checked and it suggested I-80 (1240 mi) to I-15 (643 mi) to I-10 (41 mil). Regardless of your choice, enjoy the move.

  9. Default

    It's hard to give you a reliable advice, I need to know more details about your move. I can suggest you some good LA movers, they helped me a lot last year when I moved out of Denver, I had no complains about the services.

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