Results 1 to 10 of 10
  1. #1
    iWarrior Guest

    Default Phoenix-Boston fastest route?

    I am planning to drive to up to Boston from Phoenix. Any advice on the fastest route?

  2. Default I-40

    The fastest way to the NE is I-17 to I-40, I-44, I-70, cut north to Cleveland and through Elmira NY. In the Boston area, I can't tell you which are the least congested and fastest routes, but perhaps another poster will have advice on that. Bob

  3. #3
    iWarrior Guest

    Default Construction, Bad Hours?

    Thank you Bob :)

    Within Mass I know my way pretty well. I-90 is the way to go.

    Can anyone comment on construction projects, times to avoid (other than rush hours) along the way (I-17 to I-40, I-44, I-70)?

    Thank you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Glenwood Springs

    Can anyone comment on construction projects, times to avoid (other than rush hours) along the way (I-17 to I-40, I-44, I-70)?
    I just drove I-70 between Denver and I-15 and the only real construction slow-down was on the west-bound lanes near Glenwood Springs (bridge construction is down to one lane) but everything else is OK. OOPS --- your route won't be on this section. Sorry.

  5. #5
    iWarrior Guest

    Default Hours estimate?

    Google maps ( says phoenix to boston,
    2,697 mi (about 1 day 15 hours). Is that time, 39 hrs, conservative/aggressive?

  6. Default

    Rand McNally's online mapping service says 43:29:00 for the same mileage (2698). My guess is it'll take you a bit longer than that even, as 43.5 hours means averaging 62 mph for driving time.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Québec, Montreal, Arizona, California, France

    Default ~ 4 days

    Bob's route is really the fastest one and it'll take you at least 4 days if you drive ~10 h/day unless you want to drive day and night. I just drove from Phoenix to Montreal and I started my trip a little too slow... I ended up driving from Joplin, MO to Dorchester, Ont (1700+ km) in only one day because I had to work today!:oP So be smart, be reasonable (unlike me), give yourself more time and you'll see that the drive will be so much more fun and less tiring, plus you'll have time to stop for food, take pictures and everything!

    As for construction, nothing major between Indianapolis and St. Louis on I-70. Nothing on I-44 that I remember and a little road work on I-40 near Moriarty, NM but nothing serious really.

    Have a great trip!


  8. #8
    mikeh002 Guest


    There are a few spots on 40 & maybe 1 on 44 where there is construction & you have only 1 lane, but there isnt anything that will slow you down too much.

    I just drove from Phoenix to Chicago this weekend & it took me 25 hours & 16 minutes of driving time to go 1782 miles (I took I17, I40, I44, I55), so I was able to average 70.5 mph or so including stopping for gas & food.

    Everything slows down the further east you get though - from Phoenix to Amarillo I averaged 73.2 mph, but from Amarillo to Chicago I only averaged 68.2 mph, I bet east of there it will drop at least another 3-4 mph as you get into areas that have higher population densities.

    The only suprise I had was I forgot about the time zone changes - when I pulled into amarillo it was two hours later than I thought it was going to be.

    I think you could do the drive in 40 hours of total driving time - be prepared for some cramps for a few days afterwards if you do it in 3 days legs and arms took a day or 2 to feel normal & you're driving about 1000 miles more than I did :)

  9. #9
    iWarrior Guest

    Default Tag Team Marathon

    Thanks for the advice everyone. I am driving a car for a family member. She will use it while she attends school in Boston.

    A good friend of mine and I plan to make the trip non-stop. Yes, I know it is insane. But if I am honest, it is also a bit of challenge :)

    If the drive turns into torture, I bet we will change the schedule and just take our time. Maybe cut down to ~10hrs/day.
    Last edited by Mark Sedenquist; 05-19-2005 at 04:03 PM. Reason: type

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Done that too

    A good friend of mine and I plan to make the trip non-stop. Yes, I know it is insane.
    A buddy of mine and I did a similar run --- Los Angeles to Washington DC non-stop a few years ago. I can tell you it was fun for about the first two days. After that... it starts to resemble work.

    Shift drivers no less than once every four hours and insist the non-driving one SLEEP. It seems like a no-brainer, but it darn hard to sleep on a road trip when the car is moving. There is always too much to see...
    Last edited by Mark Sedenquist; 05-19-2005 at 04:07 PM. Reason: Left out word

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