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  1. #1
    xcountry Guest

    Default SE to NW - New Orleans to Portland

    Leaving at the end of May and looking for any suggestions anyone might want to share. We start in N Orleans, to Austin, Carlsbad Caverns, Santa Fe, Mesa Verde, Monument Valley, Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Death VAlley, Yosemite then on to Portland. Looks like the National Park tour of the Southwest! We have some reservations at heavily traveled locations - Grand Canyon, Death Valley and Yosemite but looking for suggestions for scenic drives and not to be missed sights. Any and all suggestions gladly accepted!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default A few ideas

    Leaving at the end of May and looking for any suggestions anyone might want to share. We start in N Orleans, to Austin, Carlsbad Caverns, Santa Fe, Mesa Verde, Monument Valley, Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Death VAlley, Yosemite then on to Portland. Looks like the National Park tour of the Southwest! We have some reservations at heavily traveled locations - Grand Canyon, Death Valley and Yosemite but looking for suggestions for scenic drives and not to be missed sights.
    A couple of my favorites: The Starlight Theatre in the living ghost town of Terlingua, Texas. White Sands National Monument in New Mexico. If I had the time, I would eat my way across New Mexico in the tradition of the Chow Hounds... Montezuma's Well near Rimrock, Arizona

    Oops, gotta go check on something. Be back in a moment

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