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  1. #1
    One on One Guest

    Default First Time: DC to San Diego


    I am 23 and I am moving from DC to San Diego soon. I'm not planning to do too much sightseeing, but I am open to suggestions. I plan to pass through Memphis, then Dallas, then maybe Phoenix, on the way. I'm very unfamiliar with doing something like this so I'd appreciate any suggestions. Unfortunately since my car will be packed, I don't want to stray too far off course.


  2. Default Sightseeing along the way

    You'll see lots of country just taking the trip! Check out the RoadTrip Planning pages -- just click on the green button on the header banner of each RTA page. You'll find lots of helpful information there.

    Take your time, even if you need to "stick to business." Plan easy driving days, stop to stretch occasionally, eat light but regular meals, and get a good night's sleep every night. Make a point of making it quality time -- even if it is just with yourself.

    These roads are packed with motorist services -- so much so that you don't really need to plan this to the nth degree. Pack your vehicle, fill your tank, and go. Drive as long as you want and are comfortable, then stop for the day. 8 or 10 hours is enough. Get gas when the gauge drops to 1/3 tank or so.

    If there was only ONE thing I could do on this route, it would be the 6th Floor Museum in Dallas -- at Dealey Plaza. And if Memphis falls at mealtime, it'd be barbecue.


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