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  1. #1
    Kendall Guest

    Default Renting a car at 18?

    Me and 3 friends are planning a road trip from Florida to California in august-september this year (we have about 20 days in which to do it) and we are probably going to buy a car over there as one of the people has a house in florida. But, i am wondering if it would be more sensible to rent - i have heard contradictory information about whether it is possible to rent at 18 in america. I have commonly heard that you have to be 21 but i heard of somebody who was able to rent from rent-a-wreck at 18, do you know anything more about this?
    Also anything else you feel would be helpful to mention would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks, Kendall

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005



    Most of the major car hire companies will not rent to under 21 year olds and they will charge a premium for under 25 year olds.

    You also need to look into drop off charges. You will normally have to pay very heavily for picking up a hire car in one place and dropping off in a distant other.

    See for some 'beginners' car hire tips.


  3. #3
    UAR Guest

    Default USA Car Hire Policies

    Kendall, UK is correct. MOST US car hire companies will NOT even consider renting a car to someone under 25 years of age. Those that DO hire-out cars to those under 25 generally charge a VERY steep fee in addition to the regular fees. If youre hiring the car one-way (that is youre not returning it to the same location you hired it from) there will almost always be yet another fee. IF you canm and do, hire a car, also keep in mind additional fees such as mileage (ask for 'unlimited mileage', otherwise youll be charged for each mile). Finally, insurance is ALWAYS a good idea.

    Best of luck, and have a blast!

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