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  1. #1
    coffeygreen Guest

    Default Chicago to Orange county

    Im driving to orange county this coming May. I have been fortunate to do this trip at least four times Using route 70 and 80. I was hoping that there is a different path that any one can reccomend me take maybe a southern one rather than middle? I imagine route 66 from chicago to LA would be interesting, but I am unsure of the road conditions using this route, also I would like to keep the trip at under 35 hours like 70 and 80 routes. Any suggestions would be great. Thank you.

  2. Default I-40

    I-40 follows the basic route of old US66, and it is about the same as I-70 or I-80 time and distance-wise (there are small differences, not much).

    You'll find the drive to be very interesting scenically, in the west in particular. There are two sections of toll road in Oklahoma between Joplin, MO and Tulsa, and then again Tulsa to OKC, but they are inexpensive and I never bother avoiding them (the Turner Turnpike and the Will Rogers Turnpike).

    You might want to take some side trips off this route, if you have any extra time -- a visit to the Grand Canyon is always worth the time and would cost you an afternoon and evening and only 150 additional miles (round trip). Bob

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