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Thread: Best Parties

  1. #1
    MtnBiker Guest

    Default Best Parties

    Hey guys,

    After graduation (high school that is) Summer of 2005 me and two buddies are planning on a road trip. We are going for all of june and july and possibly spill over into august if needed. We already have a fullsize hightop van to use so transportation is not a problem.

    However, as far as what we are doing we have no idea.
    We know we want to attempt to atleast hit the lower 48 even if we dont do something in each state.
    We are starting from just south of Nashville TN.
    We are planning on heading south down the Natchez Trace to Baton Rouge and New Orleans and then across the panhandle of Florida to highway one. Then take highway 1 to Maine, stopping in DC and some stuff in Virginia, then down to NY and PA then Ohio, then Chicago. After Chicago we were planning on heading out west along the northern half of the country to see Mt Rushmore etc, the going down the coast of California, and heading back along the central to southern half.

    Personally, i think that is do-able in 8-10 weeks but maybe not.

    We are going to sleep mainly in the van at campgrounds though sometimes hotels depends on money.

    My reason for posting is to ask you all to:
    1. write back real quick with one or two things you think would be some of the best stuff to see during a drip like this
    2. name a couple of the best party spots you know of (keep in mind we will all be 18)
    Last edited by MtnBiker; 04-10-2005 at 09:03 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default ..the money.

    Quote Originally Posted by MtnBiker
    We are going to sleep mainly in the van at campgrounds though sometimes hotels depends on money.
    Well, have you considered what this trip will cost at a minimum?

    Food: 10 weeks x 7 days x 3 people x $20 = $4000

    Gas: 10000 miles x $.10/mi = $1000

    Lodging (a cheap motel/camp every other night): 30 x $35 = $1000

    So there's $6000, at a minimum, before you do anything, and before the van breaks down or even needs oil changes or other routine maintenance. Hope you've been saving up.


  3. #3
    MtnBiker Guest


    We definitly have. It is going to cut down a lot on the cost of our trip with the van because it is my friends dad's and so we are getting it for free. This way we can put all the money we've saved up just towards the actual trip. So as far as that goes unless we get to spending too much money is not too much of a problem
    Hope some more people give some suggestions for places to see and parties to go to

  4. #4
    GusterPhan Guest


    me and my buddy are going on a road trip for all of June as well! What a coincidence! Anyways, as far as what to do and where to go, Honestly, that's the probalem we're having. The good thing is that you know pretty much what route you wanna take, I say just wing it....although I CAN tell you, that if you're in Southern California, you guys should check out Laguna Beach and maybe have a bon-fire at ALiso Creek beach...those are always fun.

  5. #5
    beachbunny Guest


    Don't miss out on Boston! It really is a great place to just explore! There are lot of cool night clubs in the boston area that you can research-- my favorite is The Palace Complex which is in Saugus (right out of Boston) which is huge and a great place to party. Also if you have time head down to the beaches of Cape Cod, it is really quaint and peaceful and there are lots of cool shops (especially in dowtown Provincetown which is at the tip of Massachusetts)

    I think 8-10 weeks will be enough time for your trip, you may not see everything you want to see, but it will be a fun time! Me and my friend are also taking a road trip this summer, actually first we're taking one in May from MA to FL, then another sometime in the summer out west... hey maybe we'll run into eachother!!!

    Have fun!

  6. #6
    beachbunny Guest


    Also-- if you have the money, hit as many strip clubs as you can find-- you'll have a blast!!!

  7. #7
    MtnBiker Guest



    Thanks for some of the ideas. Hope some other people can chime in with a few "must see" suggestions and so good parties


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Ontario Canada

    Default 18 yrs old?!

    Wow! If only I could have started my travels at 18! Not sure if you can get into the "strip clubs" at 18 (ha!).

    Anyhow - for "parties" - what about things like:

    STURGIS bike week - August 7 - 14, 2005 - Sturgis South Dakota
    (free to just browse the streets & see the hundreds of thousands of people & motorcycles -- just don't tell your parents you're going there) Plus it's in a GREAT area close to interesting historical towns of Deadwood & Lead, plus very close to see Mt. Rushmore, Custer State Park, Crazy Horse Memorial, Mammoth Site, Badland National Park.

    HOTROD Power Tour 2005 (Wisconsin to Florida) June 4 - 11, 2005. You'll have to see if any of the dates / locations match up with your route. (google it) Classic muscle cars do a "rally" across the states with "show & shine" stops throughout the week.

    Motorcycle HILL CLIMBING - National AMA - June 12th Freemansburg PA (off I-78 to Hellertown - directions on their website). Great fun & adrenalin rush to watch these skilled idiots "kill" themselves.
    Billings Montana - July 30, 31, 2005 - 2005 Miller Lite Great American Championship Hill Climb.

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