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  1. #1
    skujibu Guest

    Default Mid-may yellowstone

    My fiance and I are driving from san fransisco back to minneapolis, minnesota.

    I have just started planning the trip and nothing is set in stone, but I was looking for possible suggestions.

    1. Napa Valley: Does anyone have a favorite vineyard that is good to tour?
    2. Redwood forest: any nice campsites, hotels or attractions in this viscinity?
    3. Yellowstone: I'm looking for any good spot to hike, sightsee, camp, and if there might be any whitewater rafting.
    4. We will have about a week to make it back and I am originally from south dakota so most of the time will be spent further west. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.


  2. Default

    First, check this page here on RoadTrip America for information on Napa Valley wineries and other California tips:

    In Yellowstone, mid-May, you might find that the ONLY availability will be around the hot springs area -- snow varies from year to year, but as a general rule, the park is too cold for camping until June sometime -- except for the hot springs area where it stays quite a bit warmer. That said, check to see if the campground there is still open -- it has been a few years since I was there.

    Finally, there's lots of older posts on the redwood areas of northern California -- use redwoods as a search term and you'll come up with quite a bit of information. One camp that has been recommended in the past was the Humboldt Redwoods State Park. I also really liked the new Anchor Bay Inn at Crescent City -- very good people, they went way beyond the normal "call" to take care of me. Bob

  3. #3
    skujibu Guest

    Default unusual weather in minnesota

    When I wrote that post, it was 66 degrees in minnesota which is not normal. I completely forgot that the weather may not be optimal for camping this time of the year.

    Thanks for the post!

  4. #4


    The South entrance opened May 6th last year, but is usually scheduled for the 15th. The National Park web site will list expected opening times...

  5. #5
    Dr. T Guest


    Several years ago I visited the Robert Mondovi winery. They have a great tour and a great tasting area. The drive there was lovely. However, I think where every you go in Napa you'll have a great time! I think it is great you are going to the Giant Redwoods. I haven't made it there, yet, but I am looking forward to that trip in the future. Enjoy!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Tim Cahill's Book

    Quote Originally Posted by skujibu
    3. Yellowstone: I'm looking for any good spot to hike, sightsee, camp, and if there might be any whitewater rafting....
    Go the Hoodoos if you can. Less than 1% of visitors who go to Yellowstone ever see these amazing structures. Get a copy of Tim Cahill's Lost in My Own Backyard: A Walk in Yellowstone National Park, and listen to it on your way there. You will get all sorts of local info.

    Also, this guide book is one of the best for Wyoming.

  7. #7
    CraigClint Guest

    Default Couple of Suggestions

    For a wonderful place to stay, or at least a wonderful dinner try the Benbow Inn ( just south of Garberville and just north of Richardson Grove. If you have an RV there is a very nice park with golf course, right across the highway.

    I've never been to Sterling Vineyards/Winery but they are perched on a hill in the middle of the valley. You take a gondola to get there. I think they have tours.

    Craters of the Moon NM in Idaho is worth the detour off the Interstate as is Devil's Tower in eastern Wyoming. And of course, there is all the great stuff in the Black Hills (caves, wildlife in Custer State Park, mammoth pit fossil dig gambling in Deadwood, etc.) and Badlands, just off the highway (nice campground there by the visitor center).

    White water rafting on the Yellowstone river is available in Gardiner, just outside the Mammoth Hot Springs gate to Yellowstone, but they may not be running this early.

    The Buffalo Bill museum in Cody (nice town with nice accomodations) is excellent and there is camping about 12 miles west of town along the highway, but just above the beautiful Buffalo Bill Reservoir.

    You'll fill your time easily!

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