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  1. #1
    GusterPhan Guest

    Default CA to NY and back

    Me and my best friend are taking a month off and are going to go from California to NY and back. I know there's 2 to 3 routes that can be taken, which one would any of you recommend?

  2. Default Questions...

    What are your interested in seeing? Are you more into big cities or the national parks? All of California or a certain area?


  3. #3

    Default Did it the other way...

    We have made the trip from NY to the West a couple of times usually sticking to the "red roads." Went across the South in the Summer of 1996 - Way too hot! Did US 2 in 1998, US 20 in 2000, US 212 in 2002 and sort of US 50 in 2004. Photos from many of these trips and a diary of last Spring's trip with photos is on my web page.

    My favorite has been US 2 across the top of the country but all of the routes have wonderful places to stop. US 50 hits some wonderful National Parks in Utah. What which ever you choose, try to make the drive at least as interesting as the destination!


    Jon Vermilye's Web Page

  4. #4
    GusterPhan Guest


    I believe we have the I-80 markerd down as our b-line for Chicago....however that route until Chicago doesn't look very intertesting...except that it goes through Reno and Salt Lake City...

    Does anyone have any advice for when we hit chicago and how to go from Chicago to Niagra Falls?

    And also, I really enjoyed that website with the pictures. I think me and my buddy should start a journal too..

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by GusterPhan

    Does anyone have any advice for when we hit chicago and how to go from Chicago to Niagra Falls?

    And also, I really enjoyed that website with the pictures. I think me and my buddy should start a journal too..
    Glad you enjoyed the photos. As to going from Chicago to the Falls - The quick way (although I don't think there is a quick way through Chicago) is to stay on 80 to 90 & take 90 & 190 to the falls. There will be plenty of signs...

    I prefer the Canadian side of the falls - an interesting alternative from Chicago would be to go into Canada at Port Edward, catch the 402 to the 403 & QEW into the Canadian side of the falls. You can cross back into the US at a couple of bridges - I don't know which is currently the fastest - at times there is quite a wait...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada


    We hope to have the RTA "RoadTrip Report" utility enabled soon. This is a program that will allow you to have your own website on the RTA servers that will include a section for posting road trip descriptions and journals, another part for photographs and slide shows and a custom mapping program.

    Beta-testing on this program is scheduled for early Summer.

  7. #7
    GusterPhan Guest


    I'll look into your advice per Canada and going into Port Edward.....our main goal is to see the falls, then head over to Boston.

    My main concern is the drive to Chicago really. About how many days would you say it takes?

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by GusterPhan
    My main concern is the drive to Chicago really. About how many days would you say it takes?
    Since I don't know what part of CA you are starting from, I picked LA as the start. My mapping program says an average speed of 60mph on the interstates should get you to Chicago (about 2000 miles) in about 34 1/2 driving hours. That would be taking I15 to I70 to I80.

    Getting off the interstates will add a couple of hundred miles to the trip, but double the driving hours.

    If you like to hike and are looking for a break along I70, there is an exit for Hanging Lake a little east of Glenwood Springs, CO. It's about 1 mile each way with a altitude gain of 1000'. There are waterfalls all along the trail, with a beautiful lake & multiple waterfalls at the top. Parts of the climb are a bit rough, but if you take your time (and plenty of water) it's well worth the stop. Do an google search for hanging lake, co to see some photos & better directions.

  9. #9
    GusterPhan Guest


    I should have mentioned that we are leaving from San Francisco and are pretty much taking the I-80 the whole way....

  10. Default Don't take I-80

    I would not, if I were you. I-80 through Nevada is not particularly interesting. And I haven't driven 80 through Wyoming, but from what I hear, it's not the most impressive road either.

    Here's the route I would take: Highway 50 due east from San Francisco. Crossing the Sierras over 50 is even more impressive than on 80 (although 80 is lovely in its own right), and once you get into Nevada, 50 is a more interesting drive. It's called "The Loneliest Road", and it passes some nice roadside attractions, like Sand Mountain, the Shoe Tree, ancient petroglyphs at Grimes Point and Hickinson Petroglyphs, and the really charming town of Eureka, NV. This website gives a good idea of Loneliest Road attractions:

    Hwy 50 splits off from 80 outside of Sacramento, BTW; 80 crosses the Sierras north of Lake Tahoe and 50 crosses south of Tahoe.

    You would take 50 into Utah, where you'll eventually meet I-70. The only downside of 50 is that it is indeed a Lonely Road; there are only three towns and a couple of gas stations (including the Border Inn, a gas station/motel on the NV/UT border) between Fallon, NV and Delta, UT, a distance of some 400 miles. But it's worth the trip. From Utah you would follow 70 across the San Rafael Swell of Utah--spectacular terrain--into the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, which is simply the most breathtaking driving I have ever done. You should consider detouring around Eisenhower Tunnel in Colorado via Hwy 6, a short loop that goes over Loveland Pass (altitude 11,992 feet).

    From Denver, you could take I-76 northeast to Nebraska, where you'd catch I-80 and go to Chicago via the route you originally planned. But you really should take 50 and 70. The only thing I-80 through Nevada has going for it is more gas stations.

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