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  1. #1
    Stefan Bengtsson Guest

    Default Wal Mart

    Some dude told me that people who are on road trips often park outside Wal Mart over night. Is that for real? If so, why Wal Mart?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Québec, Montreal, Arizona, California, France

    Default Wal-Mart

    Why Wal-Mart? Well, because first of all it's free and Wal-Mart stores are everywhere. Also, many of them are opened 24/7 so it is somehow safer to sleep in a busy place than in a deserted parking lot. Plus, you can buy almost everything (car parts, batteries, food, shampoo, etc.) out of them so it's practical to be near one. By the way, not all Wal-Marts allow parking overnight. If you want more info, just do a search on that topic on this forum, there was a recent thread on the subject.

  3. Default Yeah!

    And besides, the back of their trucks all have a sign that says "Follow me to Wal Mart..." So we DO. :)

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