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  1. #1
    imported_Kristen Guest


    ok heres the deal.I really want to go on a road trip to Ohio ( I live in Buckhannon,West Virginia)when I get my liscence.I'm 16 and in Driver's Education at school.My problem is that I don't really know how to ask my parents that I want to go on a roadtrip with just me and a few best friends of mine.I'm willing to pay all the costs including gas.Plus,I would have a cell phone and call in every 30 minutes if i have to.But I need more ideas than just that to let them let me go.I'd like to possibly spend a weekend in Ohio,but since i'm only 16 I'm not even sure if thats legal.But there are going to be some awesome rock shows in Ohio this summer.It would be totally awesome to just go there for one day!Please give me any ideas on how to get my parents to agree.And please be honest and let me know everything i should since it would be my first road trip ever.THANKS.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Québec, Montreal, Arizona, California, France

    Default parents

    Earlier in February, there was a post on that particular topic called "how to convince parents", just do a little research within the forum. It might help you with arguments. By the way, you didn't tell us where you were from, only that you wanted to go to Ohio. Are you talking about a long or short roadtrip?

  3. #3
    RoadTripper Brad Guest

    Default Staying in Motels

    Unless it is different in Ohio, you do need to be 18 or older to rent a motel room, so plan on a 1 day road trip or bring along someone's older sibling. Roadtripping is very difficult when you are under 18, and even more so when you just received your license. I got to go Northern Idaho for a Society for Creative Anachronism event that was taking place all weekend by my self. I was 17, very mature for my age, and had passed my drivers test with 98 out of 100 (marked down for paralell parking, or should I say, lack there of), and I had been driving for a year in town with no problems. I was only able to convince them to let me go because the knew the company I would be in once I got there (the SCA is a very tight community, and our local chapter was no different.)
    So, basically, good luck! And speaking honestly, you should wait on it for a while so you can gain experence.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Québec, Montreal, Arizona, California, France

    Default Under 18

    Ideally, according to the law, you have to be major if you want to make any kind of contract, wether it's renting a motel room or just buying bubble gum at the convenience store... In our world today, I think it is a little utopic! I crossed the border several times when I was 16 and 17 and I booked motel rooms and never had any trouble doing that. I often asked my parents to express their consent on a piece of paper so I would cross the border without any problem (sometimes they agreed sometimes not). Many motels still don't ask for any I.D., especially Mom & Pop motels. I think it is still possible to travel when you're under 18, you just need to make sure you have your parental approval, expressed on a piece of paper if possible, unless you tell me it is illegal in the US to leave your home State when you're under 18.(???)

    Of course, that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want and go crazy, you are still responsible of your acts. You have to accept the fact that if you're mature enough to do a road trip then you should assume everything that might come up. And once on the road, you definitely should call your parents every day so they know where you're at and where you're heading.

    Take long car rides in your neighborhood to see if you're really up to a road trip like that.Like Brad said, the greater experience the better, so you have to begin somewhere... If you can convince your parents this year, try again next year. If your driving behavior is good and your record stays clean for a whole year, it's minus one argument for them and one more for you, plus you will have more road experience.

    Good Luck!

    Ps-Brad, what is the "Society for Creative Anachronism"?? Just curious!

  5. #5
    RoadTripper Brad Guest

    Default and after digging

    TO FIND THIS THREAD AGAIN! The Society for Creative Anacronism is an international medieval re-creation group. I actually have a tunic, sword, trousers, and a big mug that hangs from my belt! to find your local branch. They are all about re-creating the middle ages. Its a load of fun!

    Back to the topic, it depends on state law whether or not minors can leave state. In Washington, I belive that I could leave the state for no more than 3 days un-accompanied as long as my parents did not report me as a run-away. I am not absolutely sure on this, but inquire locally. And mom & pops motels may be willing to rent, but they are very so-so. Motel 6 is usually the most cost effective, and they DEMAND not only a valid drivers license showing a age 18 or over, but a credit or debit card (Visa, its everywhere you want to be, and some places your parents would rather you not.) :-)

    So, Gen, since you are now "exposed" to the world of the SCA, I am milord Peter Marshall, (mundanely Brad M.), and you would, untill you find a medieval style name, milady Gen!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Québec, Montreal, Arizona, California, France

    Default SCA

    Thanks for the info, I thought it was kind of a strange phrasing putting "creative" and "anachronism" together. After some reseach, I found out I would belong to the Kingdom of the East.:o)

    Mes salutations distinguées chevalier de Marshall,

    Lady Guenièvre

  7. #7
    RoadTripper Brad Guest

    Default ahh

    The Kingdom of the East. Thats a quite large one. I have been a resident of the Kingdom of An Tir and now Atenveldt!

  8. #8

    Default A Few Thoughts

    Kristen: Good luck on convincing your folks. I wasn't able to take my first solo road trip until I was 18. It was frustrating at the time, but it's just because my parents loved me -- which I am sure is the case with you. However, I would suggest a few items that might allow you to begin experiencing the road: 1) Invite your parents on a trip where you are the driver. You might even be more successful in inviting just one of them to go with you so you can bond with them. You can practice your driving and navigation skills and your parents can see you in your new role as a safe, dependable driver. 2)Don't ask to go on a trip with a ton of friends, just one close friend and have a specific, safe (from a parent's viewpoint) destination in mind. For example, take one friend and drive to a relative's home and spend the night. 3) Join AAA to ensure your parents know that if you break down anywhere you're only a phone call away from assistance. Also, if you don't know how to read a map, learn that--and then impress your folks with your new skills. Anyway, those are just a few tips. Good luck!

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