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  1. #1
    Rob Kelly Guest

    Default Route from Vegas to west coast

    Hi, as part of a trip to the states from the UK in June, I need to find a route the will take me from Las Vegas to the west coast with the intention of heading south over a week and a half to end up in San Diego. However, I've heard that there is some fantastic scenery that I'll miss out on if I travel direct south west to LA. So can anyone tell me where I should head for on this coast so that I make the most of the route south and don't miss the best spots by joining it too low down. I did want to see death valley on the way aswell if possible. An indication of how long this would take would help a great deal though. I'm assuming it would be possible in one long day of driving. (Vegas to coast that is). Hope this makes sense !!!! Thanks for any help

  2. #2
    Blue Ra Guest

    Default Death Valley

    I don't want to put you off from your visit to Death Valley but do want you to make you aware of the conditions there. Death Valley is one of the hottest places on earth, attaining the highest temperature ever recorded in the U.S., 134 degrees F.(57 C) on July 10, 1913. Summer high temperatures commonly run above 120 degrees F. June has and average temperature of 43 C with July being the hottest average of 46 C.
    If you do go through Death Valley to reach the coast don't plan on doing it in one day. You will want to see some of the sights while you are there. I would also suggest that from there you go over the Sierra and through Yosemite National Park before reaching the cost and turning south. Take a couple of days to see the Park and reach the coast.

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