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Thread: Road Trip Ideas

  1. #1
    TPutman Guest

    Default Any Ideas?

    My sister and I are planning a road trip for this April. Does anyone have any ideas for a destination? Leaving from Dallas going somewhere with plenty of sight seeing and a scenic drive along the way? We're only planning on being gone a week, possibly not that long.

  2. #2
    RoadTripper Brad Guest

    Default Who Needs a Destination?

    Personally, driving to a specific place is very "meh". If you have a few days and don't care where you go, just pick up a map, a motel 6 directory (or other chain), and hit the road. Drive where ever you want, just be sure you are willing to turn around once you decide to go home. But seriously, take some back roads, side roads, and travel alot of US Highways (they are the best for seeing America as it really is). If you need an idea of a direction, west is always best. Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, California, and Oregon make for some spectacular drives no matter where your wheels take you.

    Just get get out and drive!

    Don't forget:
    make sure you look AHEAD on the map, and top off that gas tank; know where you are, watch for mile markers and exit signs (you never know when you'll need them);
    pack that cell phone charger- too many people end up sitting for along time because their cell is dead;
    and take time to take in the surroundings... you are getting to see something you may never see again, even if it IS just another tree;
    photograph and video-tape- so you can show your future generations "I've been there";
    and finally- leave the cares of the world behind- don't check the news, listen to all your favorite music, find some new music you never thought you'd like, and get to know your passengers!

    Happy Trails!

    Brad M.
    <i>(the AAA guy)</i>
    Phoenix, Arizona

  3. #3

    Default An Idea To Get You Started

    It would be good to know approximately how old you and your sister are, but if the 76 in your e-mail address indicates your birthyear, I'll give you a good plan if you're in your mid to late 20's.

    Given that you only have a week, I'd head northeast rather than out west. Tennessee is a great option if you haven't seen much of it. Memphis and Nashville are excellent cities for nightlife and (coastal folk don't chuckle) southern culture. Great Smoky Mountains National Park is supposed to be amazing in the early Spring before the very large crowds arrive.

    If you leave early enough the first day and don't get delayed, you can be eating dinner and listening to great live music on Beale Street in Memphis your first night. From there, and from what I can remember, Nashville is about a 3.5 hour drive from Memphis...easily knocked out in a quick morning or evening driving shift. When you're there, say hello to the "sloshed" horse in the Wildhorse Saloon.

    I'm not exactly sure (and too lazy to Mapquest it), but I can't imagine that the Great Smoky Mountains are more than a 4 or 5 hour drive from Nashville. If you get a nice run of warmer weather, you'll want to spend at least a day or two exploring the park.

    You're looking at a pretty long drive home from there, but probably not quite a thousand miles. One long day of driving and part of another is all it would take.

    If you give yourself a week, you'll have plenty of time.

    Good luck and safe driving.


  4. #4

    Default Thanks

    Thank you both for your suggestions! This helps alot!

  5. #5
    imported_Jackie Guest

    Default After Prom Road Trip

    My friends and I want to plan a road trip after prom. We would leave June 4 and hopefully be back home on June 8 from Long Island, New York. We have no clue where we would go! Any suggestions? Interesting spots to see? Please let me know

  6. #6
    imported_Laura Guest

    Default The Southwest

    My sister and I do road trips every summer and we leave out of Shreveport, so here's what we've done. We did a tour of South Louisiana - New Orleans, Lafayette, the plantations, Grand Isle, etc.

    The next year we drove to New Mexico. Saw Carlsbad Caverns, Roswell, Los Alamos, and went up into Colorado and saw Mesa Verde (Very Fun Trip).

    This past year we got adventurous and in 9 days did the following. Drove to Las Vegas (2 day drive), stayed there the next day and saw all the free attractions. Drove to San Francisco the next day (book hotel rooms in advance) walked around the city and went to Alcatraz on the following day. Woke up and drove down Highway 1 along the Pacific Ocean. Made it to outskirts of LA before dark. Went to the Regean Library (this was about a month after he died). Then spent the next two days trying to make it back to Shreveport. We had a blast!

    This year it's the US Grand Prix and the northeastern U.S.
    I really enjoy going with my sister because at the end of nine days in the car, the car stinks, you're not always in the best mood, and you're not looking your best. LOL


  7. Default Looking for Ideas

    Hey I live on the East coast, more specificlly in DC. Looking to go o a road trip with some friends from high school, will have about threes weeks for the trip so many places are possible. anything can help. my brain is just not working at the moment

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default more than destinations

    Welcome to the RTA Forum!

    The advice that's already been provided in this old thread has some really good thoughts on places to go, or just going to see what you can find.

    I would suggest that the destination actually could be a bit of a lower priority. I'd first start by defining some goals and taking the roadtrip compatability quiz to make sure your friends are all on the same page.

    Once you've done that, I'd think about some logistics, like your budget and mode of transportation to make sure than you can do a 3 week trip, or if maybe a smaller trip closer to home might be a bit more realistic.

    Once you've got some perametors, it should be easier to define what places you'd like to go to, and what places you can realistically get to.

  9. Default Thanks

    thanks , but I was hoping for somthing more informing. Like places on the east coast, the places mentioned are nice but they just are to far for myself to drive

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default A range from DC

    Quote Originally Posted by kvn_crnn View Post
    thanks , but I was hoping for somthing more informing. Like places on the east coast,
    Here are some threads you might find helpful:

    The closest area would probably be the Shenandoah Valley.
    Maine to Southern states (read the entire thread for ideas close to DC)
    Southern states -- Carolinas and Florida
    Niagara Falls, NY & Pennsylvania
    New England Ideas #1
    and #2

    Hope this get some ideas started.


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