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  1. #1
    Tay Guest

    Default 5 days- Eugene,OR to Los Angeles,CA?

    Hey! I am a soon-to-be high school graduate and was hoping to go on a road trip from Eugene,OR to Los Angeles,Ca this summer. The problem is, I have about 5 days to do it and not a lot of money. Would 5 days be rushing it? Would it be better to take your own car or a rental? I am a road trip virgin, so any advice would be great! Thanks a lot!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Securing a Rental

    Since you are under 21, it is highly unlikely that you will be able to rent a car. That said, is the five days a round-trip ramble or one-way?

    If this is a round-trip, it is two full days each way. I would suggest using the <a href = "">fuel caluculator<a/> and get an idea of how much money you will spend on fuel.

    The coast is pretty lovely and if this is a one-way ramble -- do it.

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