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  1. #1
    elizabeth Guest

    Default Austin, TX to Los Angeles, CA

    We will be leaving for L.A. from Austin in a couple of weeks, and we have a little time to spare. We are looking for especially capitivating things that we can fit in along the way. We are thinking about heading down to Marfa especially, and are wondering about neat hotels, motels, museums, restaurants, and sights there and elsewhere.

  2. Default In Arizona

    Near Benson, AZ, you'll find Arizona's newest state park -- Kartchner Caverns. These are "living" caverns and the state spent millions of dollars to create a park there in the 1990s -- with the goal of keeping the caverns alive and pristine. It's a fascinating tour -- there are times when the tours are full with advance reservations, but you might check their web site out and see if you'll be able to get in at the time you come through that area. Well worth your time. Try this <a href = "">link<a/> to the state park's web page. Bob

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