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  1. #1
    danielle downs Guest

    Default DE to OK

    Two of us are planning to drive my jeep from Delaware to Stillwater, Oklahoma for a wedding in late April. We are going to give ourselves at least 5 days to get there (~1400 miles). We basically want advice on routes. We were looking at rt 50 to rt 70. However, we live to hike and camp and thought a more southernly route would give us more opportunities to sleep under the stars. We are just looking for a good time...any advice????

  2. Default


    I would have completed my Stillwater to Baltimore road trip by then. I am doing it this year end actually. I am currently researching and can definitely share my experience. I ll possibly drive through Blue Ridge Parkway and Skyline Drive.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    South of England.


    Hey vishwas.
    It's good that you are searching around the forums and finding relevant threads to your trip, but if you look at the dates they were posted, you will notice that this thread was from 11 years ago and the OP has not been active since.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Southwest Dave View Post
    Hey vishwas.
    It's good that you are searching around the forums and finding relevant threads to your trip, but if you look at the dates they were posted, you will notice that this thread was from 11 years ago and the OP has not been active since.
    Oops I did not check that, thanks for letting me know.


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