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Thread: stuckeys?

  1. #1
    jan scott Guest

    Default anyone remember stuckeys?

    Anyone remember Stuckeys? I just saw one on a road trip and it made me remember all of the times we used to stop at Stuckey's for their candies and "Yes and No" Games. I saw that they have a web site up and running
    ( so they must be around, but aside from the one I just saw, I hadn't seen them in years. I thought we could share favorite Stuckey's memories about stopping for Pecan Logs, Pineapple milkshakes and those peg games (can't remember what they were called)? I used to get so upset when my dad wouldn't stop and we'd have to miss our favorite treats!!!


  2. Default Yup

    I remember them , but never could get my folks to stop at one. I still see their distinctive buildings occasionally along the highways, here and there, but haven't seen any for years that were still in business. Where'd you see one? Bob

  3. #3

    Default Stuckey's

    Hey, all! I had never had the opportunity to stop at one before I began roadtripping as there aren't any in New England. In fact, I didn't even know about them until I found Route 66 Magazine several years back. Up until that time my road trips were mostly Northern and Eastern affairs.

    I've stopped or seen some in Pennsylvania (I-81), Missouri (I-70),Virginia or Maryland (Eastern Shore US-13) and New Mexico (off of I-40).

    Mostly we stop for some snacks, though there is always that roadway kitsch factor!

  4. #4
    jan scott Guest

    Default where I saw one

    Hi! I saw a sign for one when I was getting off an exit near Breezewood, PA. So I stopped there to pick up a few pecan logs for the road. I'm not sure when the last time I was in one and I was curious to see where there are others still operating.

    Glad to see others remember Stuckeys to :)

    - Jan

  5. #5


    I haven't seen a Stuckeys since I left Florida over 13 years ago. Had alot of family in Florida and used to traval alot through Florida. My mom & dad & I used to stop in a few of those Stuckeys to eat and play those peg games that they had on the tables while you eat. I really do miss those places it brings back alot good memories when my parents and used to get along like a family should, since leaving Florida hasn't been the same as I really do hate it here in Las Vegas, Nv. as I really miss Florida.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Ontario Canada

    Default peg games!

    I don't know where the Stuckeys are... but the peg games are still on the tables at Cracker Barrel! Have fun y'all!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default They are still around

    While the company is still out there, mostly what one sees are those "blue slanted" roofs. On the route between Las Vegas and LA there are at least two former Stuckey locations.

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