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  1. #1
    Magenta Guest


    Driving west from Denver later this week. It sounds like I-70 might be a better choice than I-80. But once I get across the Great Divide, how should I get to Salt Lake City?

    Mapquest says to take U.S. 6 northwest, then I-15 north. But are the road conditions pretty scary in winter? I could stay on I-70 to I-15 if it's an easier drive, even though that looks like the long way.


  2. Default As of now...

    US6 is open and dry at present. Keep an eye on the weather this week, and check the road conditions in Utah on this site (I just checked by using the site map link on the home page and the "Traffic and Weather" link here on RTA). There is a "slight chance of snow" in the central Utah mountains this week. Chances are good nothing will change and the roads will stay fairly clear, but know before you go! And have a great trip! Bob

  3. #3
    Magenta Guest


    Thank you Bob! I'll check right at the last minute.

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