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  1. #1
    Rizzi Guest


    I will be traveling from St. Pauls, NC to the Biloxi area in a week or two. I planned to go straight down I-95 to I-10, keeping it simple, staying on big interstate highways ... but it looks like I can save a couple of hours by cutting inland through the Atlanta area. Is it worth it?

    Factors: I am completely unfamiliar with the area. I'm in a hurry but more concerned about having an easy drive than setting speed records. Whaddaya say?

  2. Default One time in Atlanta

    I'm not afraid to drive in any city (Bob's Motto: "WE DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' MAP!") -- but Atlanta is the ONE city that left me with a negative impression, driving-wise. The streets seemed to change names and direction frequently, sometimes several times within a few short blocks. I spent a week there a few years back and was forever lost! The traffic always seemed heavy as well. It was very frustrating.

    Perhaps you should consider that a challenge... go check it out and see if you do better than I did! :) Bob

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