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  1. #1
    imported_sam Guest


    I'm driving from michigan to san francisco next week. I'm planning to drive through st. louis down to I-40 (oklahoma, texas, new mexico, nevada) to avoid extreme road conditions in the rockies. I've seen comments on this board that driving south doesn't make much of a difference as far as winter conditions go. Is this true?

    I'm renting a midsized trailer for my accord. I'm concerned about trailer theft/break-ins while staying in motels. Any advice about this? Also, any other safety advice regarding driving w/a trailer?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Its not just the weather that causes extreme conditions

    Most years, there is more snow & ice along I-40 (in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona) than there is along I-70 in the Coloado Rockies in mid December. The heavy snows usually don't hit until mid January in the Rockies.

    The Colorado Highway Department is one of the best in the world at snow removal, which is why nearly all of the expert roadtrippers here on the board always recommend I-70 over I-40 in identical weather conditions.

    A mid-sized trailer seems a little large for an Accord, but in any case, try and park your trailer/car near your motel room and failing that in the brightest part of the lot or near where the front desk can keep an eye on it.

    Safety advice -- slow down!

  3. #3
    imported_sam Guest


    How do you rate I-80 compared to the other two?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default It tends to be the trucker's choice


    Most of our professional truck driving buddies prefer I-80 in the winter months because of the relative ease of travel. That being said, sections of I-80 seem to attract ground blizzards and sections of the highway in Wyoming tend to get closed for a few hours each week.

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