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Thread: roadtrip

  1. #1
    mechelle byrne Guest


    hi, my boyfriend and i are setting out on a one week all inclusive holiday to las vegas after which we will start a road trip down to l.a. and then on to boston m.a. it is a must that we see the grand canyon. i am looking for tips and advice on what is the best route and the sites which are worth seeing.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default What?

    A one week holiday that is supposed to include time in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, the Grand Canyon and... Boston? Yes, that would be possible -- but a heck of a lot of driving. Maybe I mis-understood your posting?


  3. #3

    Default misunderstanding

    I think she means a one-week "all inclusive" in Vegas - then after that setting out on rest of adventure.

  4. #4
    RoadTripper Brad Guest

    Default good route through AZ

    I am at work right now (AAA Roadside Assistance) and its quite slow, so I've pulled out my maps and looked at Northern AZ. If you are coming from L.A., I do reccomend taking I-40, but only to exit 1 in Arizona. Detour north on Historic U.S. 66 (Yes, you can still get your kicks!). Route 66 is still pretty much intact through this part of Arizona (there is a short section north of Oatman that is dirt, but is in good condition, the last time I checked), and goes through Golden Shores, Oatman, Kingman (crossing I-40 again), then north to Hackberry, Valentine, Peach Springs, Seligman, where it runs along I-40 to Ash Fork, where it rejoins I-40. Then once to Williams, AZ, you can turn north on AZ 64 to the Grand Canyon. From the canyon, you can return to I-40 and travel through Flagstaff and then East to the Petrified Forest National Park (you may want to pick up a national park pass at the grand canyon for $50.00 which will get you in to all national parks and fee'd area of national forest lands, they will give you the low down on the pass at the park). When going through the rual areas of Arizona though, do resist the urge to take a side road or country road. Those tend to get nasty, especially after rain storms. Good luck in your adventure!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default A couple of minor corrections

    Route 66 is paved on both the north and south sections surrounding Oatman. The pavement is a little rough in places, but most folks won't even notice the worn-out sections. More information about that <a href = "">drive can be read by clicking here<a/>.

    While there is a gumbo-mud quality found on many back-roads in Arizona, I have personally traveled several hundred miles of off-the-pavement routes and none are all that tough. A little common sense is just about all one needs (back road driving skills can be helpful though).


  6. #6
    RoadTripper Brad Guest

    Default Thanks

    I got that information from many different maps, stating there was a 5 mi stretch that was labled "gravel/non-paved". Thanks for the info though!

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