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  1. #1
    imported_Liz Guest


    I will be moving from eastern Iowa to southern Oregon in mid-January (about an hour south of Eugene). I need to take the most direct route; I don't have the time or money to take a long road trip. I'll be traveling with 2 cats and I'm somewhat concerned about winter weather, especially on I-80 in Wyoming. Any suggestions?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default I-80 is the preferred route

    Most of our trucker friends prefer I-80 in the winter months with the lower elevation gains, but I still like I-70 over the Rockies for beauty and ease of travel.

    Yes, ground blizards are always a possibility in the Wyoming stretch of I-80, but if you keep your wits about you, drive at a measured rate of speed (slow down) you will be fine.


  3. Default What I remember most

    What I remember most about I-80 in Wyoming in winter was that the heavy snow was always driven in front of a 40 mph WIND! As a tailwind, it wasn't bad -- but smashing against the front of a cab-over tractor -- it would about bring you to a standstill and you couldn't see 5 feet anyway. :)

  4. Default Oops

    In looking back at this thread -- the above message may make it appear that I was discouraging the use of I-80. That's not what I intended -- the experience I related was during the storms I encountered -- which of course do NOT happen every day! Bob

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