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  1. #1
    Alix Guest

    Default pros & cons of big RV for year-rounder

    Hey gang, I'm lookin into year-rounding, maybe some boondocking, for a year or so and have fallen in love with a 34' vintage RV. In terms of a reality check (!) I'd like to hear some feedback from you great folks about the pros and cons of such a rig. Its a 1965 model but I am mostly wondering about the length and what blessings and limitations it may bring.

    Any comments about experience with year-rounding and boondocking welcome as well

    Thank you!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default 34' is on the small size for Big RVs


    Interesting timing for your query. <a href = "">Alice Zytez<a/> who is one of the RTA RV experts is preparing a report on this topic. Her comphrensive view about the pros/cons of different size RVs will be published on the 7th of November in the <a href = "">On the Road with Alice & Jaimie department<a/>

    Is this, by any chance, a 34-foot Revcon? In any case, any RV built in 1965 has been probably re-built at least once. Do you know the history of the vehicle? How handy are you with maintaining complex (older) RV systems?

    When folks refer to large RVs -- generally the range is 38- to 45-foot. Depending upon what it is, a 34-foot RV would be large enough to live in for an extended period of time. We lived in the 32-foot <a href = "">Phoenix One<a/> for over six years.

  3. #3

    Default Will you be towing another car?

    If not, then you will have to take the large motorhome everwhere you go. Some national forest, state parks and a few national parks have lenght limits and a 34 might limit where you could stay...if these kinds of places were important to you.

    You probably will get a much bigger response to this question over on forums.


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