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  1. #1
    Tyler j Guest

    Default Need Advice!!

    Hi there!

    My boyfriend and I are planning on driving from San Fran to Vegas and want to take in a few sights on the way i.e. Yosemite and possibly see a little bit of Death Valley too. Were leaving on Saturday morning and need to be in Vegas by Monday lunchtime. Is this possible? Were from Ireland so any advice would be appreciated. Even driving on the right is gonna be a challenge! Wish us luck. Thanks, x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Fastest route can be 8 hours

    Ok. The fastest route (without the scenic trips) is about 8 hours and so it will be possible. It just depends how comfortable you will be with both desert and mountain driving and how much you want to do each day.

    I would suggest driving to Yosemite valley on Saturday and either staying at one of the communities on the west side (Mariposa) or crusing around the Park and then drive over the Sierra Nevada Mountains via Tioga Pass and stay at Lee Vining or June Lakes.

    On Sunday you can proceed south on US-395 to Lone Pine and take the connector road over to CA-190 into Death Valley. Unfortunately, the road is still wiped out (flash flood) from Furnace Creek to Death Valley Junction. So after, exploring the park you will need to detour north on NV-374 to Beatty.

    I would stay over-night up there and then proceed south on US-95 to Las Vegas on Monday.


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