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  1. #1
    imported_Jeanne Guest

    Default Atlanta to Las Vegas

    Hi-Will be traveling from Atlanta to Las Vegas in early November. Never been west of Wichita. I am concerned about running into snow anywhere, but specifically in the mountain areas (Flagstaff). My mom (75 years old) and a girlfriend will be with me(probably all of us fit somewhere in the 'wuss' category!) Being a 'sea-level' type of person, I am worried about what we might encounter. I wanted to take I40...but, because of my concerns, would it be best if I took I20? Thanks for any info. Jeanne

  2. Default Nope, I-40

    You're worrying too much! I-40 is normally an all-weather route -- and November is typically not too bad a month. If you run into snow in the west, which is doubtful because we are in an extended drought, it will likely be light and localized. Meaning it won't slow you down much. Flagstaff, for example, is a "sky-island." It is high country surrounded on all sides by lower terrain. In November, if the weather is bad, it will likely cause RAIN, not snow, over most of the route, with just a bit of snow for 20 miles or so on either side of the city (where the terrain rises above 6,000 or 7,000 feet, depending on the strength of the storm. People DO get stranded by bad weather on this route SOMETIMES, but this is not the norm, except at the height of a winter storm. Just keep an eye on the weather, and if something nasty is brewing at the time you are ready to go, then go around it! If it was me, it wouldn't be more than a passing consideration. That said, I am much less an "expert" on midwest weather, so maybe others will comment on those states. Still, if it were me I wouldn't be all that concerned about it, but check it out. Bob

  3. #3
    kye Guest

    Default snow

    i just moved to arizona and i want to take my daughter to see some snow. naive as i am, i got to ask...does it snow here in arizona? and where can we go? i live here at gilbert east of phoenix. thank you so much and god bless.

  4. Default Snow in Arizona

    It snows in MOST places in Arizona, even Phoenix (occasionally). I have built snowmen in the Phoenix Mountain Preserve (it doesn't stick around long though).

    Flagstaff has traditionally been one of the FIRST locales in the continental USA to receive snow on any given year, believe it or not, and we used to have a community in the mountains (named "Maverick") that quite often recorded the coldest temperature in the USA on any given day. That's bound to be a surprise to many folks, I know! However, we have been in drought conditions, like much of the western US, for many years so it is harder to find too much snow lately.

    From Phoenix, the best places to find a snow playground are Flagstaff (try the county fairgrounds outside of town), the Arizona Snowbowl, and the White Mountains -- the Apache Sunrise Resort would be a good place. Near Tucson, try the Mt Lemmon ski area, only 25 miles or so from downtown Tucson.

    Right now, as of this moment, there is 9 inches of snow on the ground in Flagstaff!

  5. Default Latest Flagstaff road report!

    It has been reported on the local news (in Phoenix) today that there was a massive crash and pile-up on the I-40/I-17 westbound to southbound interchange at Flagstaff this morning -- with many cars and tractor-trailer rigs involved -- caused by icy road surfaces. The interchange will be closed throughout the afternoon while crews clear away the debris! Thankfully, there were only minor injuries.

    See? I wasn't LYING! :) Bob

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