my Mom and I are planning to go on a trip to New Foundland and Coastal region of Labrador at the end of the summer. We're from the Eastern Townships (east of Montreal). I know there's a ferry from Nova Scotia to NF but I would like to know if there is any other option. We unfortunately don't have enough time to drive all the way through Labrador and take the ferry to St. Barbe or to go through the North Shore and take the ferry to Blanc Sablon.

I was also wondering about the cost of a ferry ride to NF and the time it would take. Do we have to make reservations? Where should we go/avoid (nice campgrounds, , cheap B&B's, light hikes, historical sites, restaurants, sceneries, where should we go for whalewatching, icebergs, polar auroras, ...)? What should we bring? How long and how much is a ferry ride between Labrador or Blanc Sablon ot St. Barbe?

I know I could probably find these informations on the Internet but I prefer getting information from someone who actually went or lives there.

Thank you!