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Thread: SF - Utah - SF

  1. #1
    imported_Alex Guest

    Default SF - Utah - SF

    We have 4-6 days in SF en route from Europe to Hawaii. I would like to spend them in a road trip to Utah. My friends told there are plenty places to see but due to time constraints I need recommendations of what is the must and how to better plan the trip. I toured already CA, Vegas and Grand Canyon, so I would like to skip them. I'll appreciate any advice

  2. Default Yosemite

    With only 4 days, I'd forget Utah and go to Yosemite instead. The drive to Utah will eat up almost ALL of your four days (1 day, 6 hours each direction). Stick closer to SFO and you'll have much more time for sightseeing. If I was doing a road trip from San Francisco with 4 days, I'd spend a couple of them at Yosemite, and the rest driving up the north coast. Just my opinion. Bob

  3. #3
    imported_Robert Guest


    Yosemite is nice, but this time of year unless you have reservations for even campsites, it gets to be a mad house. Utah, on the other hand, is generally more wide open. There is Bryce, Zion, the Salt Lake. Bryce & Zion are pretty close to each other. You might even enjoy Salt Lake City. The tour of the Mormom temple is very nice. The acoustics in the building are spectacular. One of the tour guides literally drops a pin, and you can hear it in the back of the building. Something to think about. I hope you enjoy your trip.


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