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  1. #1
    imported_Kevin Guest

    Default Alaska Road Trip?

    Here's an idea kicking around in my head: a road trip from Sacramento (where I live) to Fairbanks, Alaska. I would rent a car in Sacramento, take I-5 north, proceed north through British Columbia via a couple of different routes--can't see a difference on the map, although BC Hwy 37 appears to be shorter--then through Dawson and Whitehorse in Yukon Territory b/f proceeding to Fairbanks. Then drop the rental off in Fairbanks and fly back home. I would do this in summer, obviously (June, July or August), and I could allot up to two weeks w/out too much trouble.

    My question is this: I am not really the outdoorsy type. Have never been camping in my life. Is this trip feasible for an individual driving north in a regular passenger car? Is there sufficient access to gas, food and lodging along the way? Or would I be forced to camp by the side of the road or carry extra fuel tanks? Any feedback would be appreciated. I'll probably do this next year or in 2006, if I can drive north secure in the knowledge that I won't wind up starving to death in the woods. E-mails to the address above are welcome.

  2. #2

    Default Rental Car?

    You better check because I think alot of rental car companies don't allow traveling to Alaska in their cars...I'm not postitive so check.

    As far as gas goes, we drove the Alaska Highway in 1992 and found plenty of gas stations. We were camping, but I don't think you will have trouble finding lodging either. The best book to get is called the Milepost. Get the current edition and it will give you ALL kinds of information, ie road conditions, constructions, gas, lodging, events, etc.


  3. #3
    imported_Kevin Guest


    I hope I'd be able to rent. Makes the trip twice as long if I have to drive myself. Probably couldn't do it if I have to drive there AND back. Never occurred to me that the rental could be the problem.

  4. #4


    I imagine if you can find a rental car company that will allow you to do this it will be very expensive. Most companies have rather expensive drop fees for one way rentals. Also, very few places will let you take the car into Canada and if you can find one that will, I'm sure again you'll be looking at a pretty major surcharge.

  5. #5
    imported_Kevin Guest

    Default Well

    I called around a bunch of rental car places and apparently a one-way rental of that length will be a difficult one to arrange. May have to figure something else out.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default Yes, it's feasible

    Of course...I know your trip depends on whether or not you can get a rental to do it in. I can't help you with that, sorry.

    But I have a friend who lives near Anchorage and she has done this trip several times in her New Beetle...which has low-clearance and is not a good car for rough roads...but she has had no problems at all. She says lodging is fairly easy to find but you might want to make reservations ahead during this busier time. She doesn't bother but she camps if she can't find a hotel. If you don't want to do that, you will want to play ahead.

    Hope it works out for you!

  7. #7
    Chris Blair Guest

    Default Alaska Road Trip


    So excited to find this site.

    We want to plan approxiamtely a three-week road trip
    end of August/first of September of this year, 2004.

    Thought we'd fly into Anchorage, rent a vehicle, possibly a small van, and hit the road. Denali would be a must and then we're working on the rest.

    We would like to find accomodations along the way, but would carry sleeping bags and warm clothing in case we have to spend the night in a vehicle.

    We also are also not big camper-type folks but would have no problems spending a night in the vehicle if we could not find accomodations.

    Will we have problems finding lodging on a last minute basis?

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to plan this sort of last minute trip and some great places to visit?

    Thank you

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default Mile Post

    I don't know much about Alaska but you should get lots of answers here: <a href = "">The Milepost<a/> is often considered the "bible" for Alaskan travelers. Best wishes!

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