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  1. #1
    Carol Guest

    Default Trip from IL to NY

    I'm plannig a road trip next week, I have everything planned out, maps, time, etc. except for 1 thing...I've been trying to find a FREE website that'll give me information on like when I'm driving on I-90 E (Indiana and Ohio) how far are each gas stations and rest stops, etc. Does anyone have any info??? I've tried Rand Mcnally and other website but they start charging. PLEASE HELP!

  2. Default Maps

    Rest stops are usually marked on road maps, just look at the map's legend to see what the symbol is. They vary from map to map.

    As far as roadside business information, I don't know for sure that there aren't any free ones, but I kind of doubt it. After all, it is very expensive to gather and publish that kind of information, plus then you have to keep it updated. The reality is, you don't really need it to travel comfortably -- you can be assured that along main highways there are facilties at frequent intervals, especially in the mid-west and east. If you aren't comfortable without it, then I'd suggest picking up a copy of a travel guide at a book store -- they aren't that expensive. Bob

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Québec, Montreal, Arizona, California, France

    Default Gas stations

    From Il to NY? Don't worry about the gas stations, you'll find plenty of them everywhere adn especially on the interstate!


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