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  1. #1
    Rob Kelly Guest

    Default Where do I start?

    Myself and my (hopefully by then) wife are planning to see some of the USA for part of our honeymoon. We have 3 weeks to do it and want to see San Francisco, Las Vegas and then on to a beach holiday of sun and sand in some part of Mexico. So, to you seasoned travellers out there, can you tell me. Is this possible in the time frame without charging around like headless chickens, do you have a good route suggestion so as to take in plenty of sights, or is this just far too ambitious for someone who has seen nothing of west side of America before. Maybe you could suggest a better plan. I would love to hear from anyone with relevant experinces. Many Thanks - Rob UK

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default It's doable

    You didn't say what Mexican beach you wanted to enjoy.

    San Francisco to Ensanada on the Baja Peninsula is almost 500 miles, about 9 hours driving time. Of course, you'd need to plan more time for stopping and enjoying all the things along the way. And for getting across the border.

    Ensanada to Law Vegas is just under 500 miles, about 7 hours, but again allow more time to get back over the border.

    You could easily do this in 3 weeks. Of course, if you're thinking of a point farther south in Mexico, or somewhere on the Mexican mainland vs. the Baja, things will be quite different.

    Also, note that it is difficult to take a rental car across the border to Mexico and specific auto insurance for Mexico is required for driving there.

    To be honest, you could easily spend 3 weeks in California alone and still not see and do everything to do there. And there are some marvelous beaches there as well, hot sand, sun, great swimming. You don't need to go into Mexico to enjoy that.

    The same could be said for Las Vegas. Close to Vegas is the Grand Canyon, all the many wonderful national parks in Utah, lots to see in Arizona, etc. 3 weeks in just the Southwest areas near Vegas have more than enough to keep you busy.

    I guess it all just depends on what your priorities are.

    And, of course, Mexico itself has tons to offer as well that could easily take up your entire 3 weeks.

  3. #3
    imported_UK Guest

    Default When are you going ?


    You dont say what time of year you are travelling. If its in the summer, you should consider staying in one of the wonderful Hotels in southern Arizona around Tucson/Phoenix instead of Mexico. Summer is out of season for these hotels (they are winter resorts for people from the cold north of the USA) and you can get excellent bargains for such luxury hotels.

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