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  1. #1

    Default Working along the way?

    My girlie and I are undertaking a 3-month crosscountry camping trip in our van in about a weeks time, and we're hoping to pick up a few extra bucks working odd jobs along the way. Both of us are pretty unclear on how to go about this however, especially considering that we'd rarely be interested in more then a few days work. Has anyone attempted this sorta thing, and could you share any words of wisdom with she and I?

    Thanks in advance. : )

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula


    I used to have some great links to sites about working on the road but lost them in a computer crash awhile back. If you do a search on fulltime RV living related issues, you should come up with a wealth of information on this topic. Although most of the temporary jobs are for longer periods than you desire, for example like working during tourist season at a campground, I'm sure you'll find some info for shorter ideas. Most cities have temp work agencies so you might want to check them out. My daughter recently moved to a new city and didn't have work right away and she did a lot of one-day only jobs, like helping crews pick up around construction sites, etc. until she found steadier work. Enjoy your adventure!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Or, you could use the resources on this site!

    Working and living on the road has been part of the RTA mandate since March 1994. Here are some of resources: <a href = "">Dashboarding<a/>,
    <a href = "">RV lifestyle tips<a/>

  4. #4
    kyla Guest


    i've done pretty well shipping things for money. i find all my shipments through that way i never have to stay in one place too long, but i can still pay my taxes.

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