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  1. #1
    SKC Guest


  2. #2
    SKC Guest

    Default what's a must-see?

    My sister and I are driving in early June from San Diego to Washington, D.C. -- we don't need sightseeing tips for either our starting point (she lives there) or our destination (we grew up there), but anything goes for the points in-between! We have only 5 or 6 days to make it across, but any suggestions of places to stop or weird/fun things to see or great spots to eat would all be appreciated. We're probably doing a stop in Memphis/Graceland for sure, but that's all we've decided.
    Please pass along your ideas! Thanks!

  3. #3


    I'm doing a similar trip in the opposite direction. I'm planning on seeing the Grand Canyon, Santa Fe, and Hot Springs, Arkansas for sure...I think the ball of twine in Kansas would be fun, but I'm not going to be that far north. I'm planning on doing most of the drive on major highways, but for meals we're going to just take an exit and look for a place that doesn't look touristy to try to experience some local flavor.

  4. #4
    imported_Kevin Guest


    If you want weird/fun, I say do Four Corners. Getting a picture of yourself lying in four states at once is pretty cool.

    Carhenge, a replica of Stonehenge made out of Chryslers outside of Alliance, Nebraska, is certainly one of the more bizarre roadside attractions I've ever seen, but it might be out of your way.

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