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  1. #1
    Big Daddy Guest

    Default You Told Us Where To Go, and We Listened

    Well, thanks everyone for your input on our "Chevy Chase" Style Road Trip for July. We have read your suggestions, and here is the itenery:And whats even funner, is we made this road trip a challenge for on....
    Seattle to Missoula, with a stop in Wallace Idaho, where the movie "Volcano" was filmed. Missoula Mt to West Yellowstone for 2 days of sightseeing at Yellowstone. Off to Cody Wyoming, then Buffalo wyoming along scenic HWY search of Rodeos! Next, the Badlands, Sturgis, with a stay at Hill City KOA...Crazy Horse, Mt. rushmore, Jewel Caves, and every little side road we can find...Then, yes, to Mitchell SD, to see..The Corn Palace...Up to see, um, the little people...ya ya you betchya, then back across ND via only the smallest roads..(you should see my map.creepy)We will also visit the Peace gardens, and have pizza in Wallingford area....Off we go to Moose jaw Saskatchewan...why?....'cause it is called Moose Jaw...the toCalgary, Kamloops (why? because its Kamloops) via Hells Gate, and a few barbed wire museums....and back to seattle.
    HERES THE CHALLENGE PART....We have decided to buy the ugliest momento/souvenier from each destination....pehaps fuzzy dice with Mt Rushmore, fridge magnets with Old Faithful, velveteen banners with Deadwood, souvenier crushed pennies from fargo...and have photos of the entire lot, along with our entire travelblog written out so someone might live vicariously through us.........hehehe. Perhaps even make it a package deal, and sell the whole lot on Ebay....who knows.
    Last note here.......we actually rented a car for this trip, to save wear and tear on our car. I have to tell you, all but one car company wont let you take their new cars on a trip like this (4000 miles), but I found a car company, (cant name it, but it has a name similar to a famous landmark in texas) that not only let us travel all over the US, but also canada. the price? get this 321.00 for the whole 12 days, unlimited mileage...and its a midsized car...
    My advice here, duh......for 300.00 dollars, you cant afford not to take it. Shop rentals can be the best way to save and have a carefree trip....
    Thanks again for all of your input. If you have any more must sees for us, tell us, we'll squeeze them in. Look for the trip blog, pictures, and a host of suprises when we get

  2. #2
    imported_Bob Guest

    Default Yee HAW!

    Sounds like a hoot! It'll be fun to keep track of your progress. Bob

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default the ugliest momento from each destination

    A worthy challenge roadtrip if we've heard heard one. Actually, a photo ol all of the loot at the end of the journey would really be hoot.

    Thanks for the shared intel on the price of the rental car. That is the best rate I have heard of thus far this season!

    Wallace, Idaho is a cool place. I urge you to find <a href = "">Vern Pine</a> and see his work -- you will be amazed. Also check out the pics of downtown Wallace after the <a href = "">volcano<a/> blasted here. And if <a href = "">Jerry McKinnon<a/> is still alive --- try and see him. He is a little shy around strangers -- but he is a very special person.

    Have fun!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default Very Cool

    I'll try to check out your website but, when you get back, be sure to give us a report and remind of us your website, OK?

    The only part I would disagree with, at least for myself, is the car rental. One of the things that makes roadtrips so fun is that my car is a blast to drive. If I had to drive any other car, half the fun would be gone. When I travel, I collect magnets of the spots I visit and pictures of my car in front of various landmarks, funky tourist attracts, etc.

    Have a great trip!

  5. #5
    Big Daddy Guest

    Default Cool

    Thanks Judy. I will post everything when we return, and make sure everyone has a chance to view it. I got really neat suggestions from the ED and moderator of this site for things to see while in Wallace too. (A note about the car thing...we have a 1998 Malibu, which has nearly 200K on the odometer, and it is starting to do funny not start! We plan on buying another ROADTRIPPIN machine at the end of the summer. One last bummer....we have satellite radio in our car.and love it. I dont think we will be that lucky in a rental, but the rental company has offered us and upgrade for 6.00 a day.....which, as you might have guessed, is a resounding..."hell yes!" )
    Also, we have a little "friend" who will likely be the subject of most photos we take....we like to call him "travelin' Joe"....stay tuned

  6. #6
    Big Daddy Guest


    I do beleive we will look up Mr. McKinnon, he sounds like a hoot and a half...

  7. #7
    Big Daddy Guest


    Bob, thanks! We will keep you totally up to, we might make a little pre trip, trip, in a few weeks just to get the juices flowing! honk honk!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default Good site

    I went to your website and joined it. It looks like a fun one and I look forward to getting posts as your site grows. I live in Washington state as well so I'm always interested in PNW travel.

    Perfectly understandable on the car. Nothing is worse than taking in a road trip in a car you don't feel you can trust. YOur rental fee is a small price to pay for confidence that you'll get where you're going. Also, it costs less than any repairs you might have had to make on the road, extra hotel nights, etc.

    I can't wait to see who "travelin' Joe" is. :-)

  9. #9
    Big Daddy Guest

    Default Travelin Joe

    On the way to work this morning, we talked about Travelin Joe...this weekend we will get some cool photos of him, and post them. Everyone needs to meet TJ...and talk about a wildman! This guy rocks!
    Stay Tuned...........

  10. #10
    Big Daddy Guest

    Default Travellin Joe

    I almost forgot. We are doing a pre road trip road trip over the coming three day weekend. It is our opportunity to bring travellin Joe for the whole trip. You will all have the chance to meet him real soon.....he travels well, and we will have many pics to show..stay tuned

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