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  1. #1
    imported_Dede Guest


    Hello Everybody!
    Has anybody just got in their vehicle and started driving? Or, they knew where they wanted to go, but didn't save up tons of money before hand?

    I'm in San Francisco, and I want to take a roadtrip (solo)down to the south west and work my way into the deep south, travel up the east coast (maybe into Canada?) and back. I'm thinking it'll take 3 or 4 months in my SUV. My biggest question is funding. Has anyody had experience "working" their way through the States? Like, accepting odd jobs here and there (along with saved money, of course). Any info would be helpful, as I'm a first timer!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Anything is possible

    Finding short-term work, while living on the road, can be tricky. However, I have never believed in waiting for the money before venturing out. I have left town a number of times with cash sufficient for only one tank of fuel and ALWAYS found a way to keep going.

    That said, there are a number of resources that can make it an easier go.

    1) Brush up on your office support skills and consider apply at temp agencies in the places you land -- pretty decent pay for short-term gigs.

    2) Get and read Jaimie Hall's <a href = "">Support Your RV Lifestyle</a> Even though you are not talking about traveling in a RV -- the book is chock-full of tips and advice that anyone can use.

    3). Check out our section on <a href = "">Working on the Road</a>

    Finally, the type of roadtrip I prefer is the "unplanned" trip -- so go for it!


  3. #3
    imported_Steve Guest


    I live outside of Baltimore, and one day when I was in HS, I skipped school and drove to NYC. I thought it'd be free - tolls were 40 bucks; gas, another $40. Expensive shiite, that.

    This summer, there'll be a period of about two weeks in June when nearly all of my friends will be away for various reasons. As college will be (temporarily) over, and I'm unemployed, I'm probably going to drive...somewhere. I'm thinking Miami, or Vegas, or even Cali.

    I've always wanted to do what you said - just drive around, for monthes. I love just leaving; abandoning everything. Often when I get on I-95 South late at night, I'm tempted to skip my exit, and keep going all the way down. Haven't, yet

    So, uh, good luck with that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default RoadTrips are a state of mind

    You are familiar with the phrase "grass is greener on the other side"? Most folks think roadtrips are like that -- but the reality is that the "freedom" that you think exists "out there" is really just a feeling in your own head. I don't have any useful ideas how to find that feeling (other than what is already shared on this forum) -- just know that you can't find it by simply "abandoning everything" familiar. What is inside your head will still be there, no matter how many horizons you drive to.

    Here's hoping you can find some adventure in Baltimore!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula


    There are people who live for long periods of time that way. This website has links to various websites that will give you good ideas. Check out some full-time RV living websites as well since the same principles apply. I envy you. Best wishes!

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